UK: How much energy is consumed to transmit and listen to BBC radios?

Is analog FM more energy efficient than Dab? Does it consume more electricity to transmit or receive programs? In the UK now have the answers
Is analog FM more energy efficient than DAB? Does it consume more electricity to transmit or receive programs? In the UK they now have the answers

In a study by the British public broadcaster, the energy impact of radio broadcasts on all bands was calculated: Medium Waves, FM, DAB and digital terrestrial TV. In addition to the consumption to produce the programs and distribute them on the different platforms, the research also estimated those to listen to them, then linking them (for each medium) with the hours of listening, to quantify the hourly energy consumption. This highlighted the key points where to concentrate efforts to reduce the energy footprint.

A similar study on the impact of television was published in September can be read here
A similar study on the impact of television was published in September 2020 and can be read here

BBC radio attracts over 30 million listeners in the UK every week through live stations, podcasts and other on-demand content. Unlike TV, which completed the digital switchover in 2012, the BBC still provides analogue radio services that continue to make up a considerable portion of the audience. While broadcasters are discussing whether radio should switch to digital, the media industry has been studying the possibility of migrating to distribution exclusively over the Internet. Both of these approaches would have inevitable environmental impacts that have yet to be quantified. The research then assesses the effect that a digital radio switchover or a transition to IP-only services could have on energy consumption, and addresses also alternative scenarios.

Spain: Digital radio sunk by socialists

The article of Panorama Audivisual dedicated an in-depth analysis to the rejection of the bill "Urgent measures for the promotion of digital terrestrial sound broadcasting" which took place on November 4
The article of Panorama Audivisual dedicated an in-depth analysis to the rejection of the bill “Urgent measures for the promotion of digital terrestrial sound broadcasting” which took place on November 4th, 2020

If in 2018 it was the PP (Partido Popular) that sank DAB, it now was the Socialists of the PSOE (Partido Socialista Obrero Español) who rejected the bill presented by Compromís, a political coalition from Valencia, to the Senate. The spokesman in the Senate of the Valencian political coalition, Carles Mulet Garcia, points out that from next December in Spain all cars will have digital radio (as required by European regulations) but that owners will not be able to receive programs, turning the nation into “a technological island of Europe”. In Spain the technical plan for the development of digital radio was launched in 1999. It foresaw the coverage of 80% of the population in 2005, then reduced to 20% in 2011. Today listening is limited to Madrid and Barcelona, although there are unauthorized transmissions on the Costa del Sol and the Canary Islands.

BOOKS: Women in radio

The volume is expected to arrive in the bookshop before Christmas. The cover price is 10 euros
The volume is expected to arrive in the bookshop before Christmas. The cover price is € 10,-

In the history of radio there have been important female figures, even if the story almost always recalls the male protagonists. Umberto Alunni, a former manager of the banking sector (he has been director of important credit institutions, but has always cultivated the passion of a collector of antique radios and a divulger) has reconstructed in the book “Le donne della radio” the biographies of ten characters. From Annie Jameson, Marconi’s mother, to the anonymous steno-typist of the steamship Lusitania, to Lisa Glauber, the only living protagonist, daughter of the owner of the Unda Radio factory. Alunni thus gives back to the female gender the role of protagonist that it deserves.

CAMBODIA: Pupils belonging to ethnic minorities take lessons via radio

A little girl places the antenna wire on a tree to improve the reception quality of the lesson transmitted by radio.

A little girl places the antenna wire on a tree to improve the reception quality of the lesson transmitted by radio. Source

In Cambodia, about 250,000 children of school age are not educated. While universal access to primary school has increased year on year, the same is not true for ethnic minorities. So, when schools were closed due to the pandemic, the NGO Aide et Action International equipped children with portable battery-operated radios to receive educational courses, and trained them how to use them. And to allow even those who do not have electricity at home to do their homework while following the lessons in the evening, the programmes were also placed in morning time slots. Details in the Globe article.

RADIOSTORY: Chiude la radio dopo 43 anni. Ma riparte da “pirata” due giorni dopo

ABSTRACT (English)

The world of radio continues to give beautiful and incredible stories, such as the one starring Giancarlo Guardabassi, publisher of Radio Aut Marche. After 43 years of activity, the business goes into crisis. The frequencies are sold and broadcasting ends on 31 December, 2019. But two days later the publisher and presenter turns the transmitter back on and starts again, calling himself a “pirate”.

Article (In Italiano)
Dalla pagina Facebook della radio, una suggestiva immagine di Giancarlo Guardabassi in studio
Dalla pagina Facebook della radio, una suggestiva immagine di Giancarlo Guardabassi in studio
Fonte: Radio Aut Marche

Il mondo della radiofonia continua a regalare a storie belle e incredibili, come quella che vede come protagonista Giancarlo Guardabassi, editore di Radio Aut Marche

Il post apparso l'1 gennaio sulla pagina Facebook della radio, nella quale si spiegava agli ascoltatori la decisione di chiudere e la nostalgia del primo giorno di inattività
Il post apparso l’1 gennaio sulla pagina Facebook della radio, nella quale si spiegava agli ascoltatori la decisione di chiudere e la nostalgia del primo giorno di inattività
Fonte: Radio Aut Marche
Il post sulla pagina Facebook con il quale due giorni dopo è stata annunciata la ripresa dei programmi
Il post sulla pagina Facebook con il quale due giorni dopo è stata annunciata la ripresa dei programmi
Fonte: Radio Aut Marche

La nascita delle radio libere italiane è stata un’epopea: dal 1975 si andava letteralmente all’arrembaggio dell’etere. Niente regole su frequenze e potenze, finché nel 90 la legge Mammì mise fine al far west. Nel frattempo i giovani pionieri venivano progressivamente sostituiti da editori o fagocitati dai network, e la concorrenza spietata sui prezzi della pubblicità iniziava a minare le basi di sussistenza. Con gli anni sarebbero subentrate la stanchezza e la crisi.

Tra i pionieri c’era anche un conduttore affermato della Rai, Giancarlo Guardabassi, cantante, autore, che nel 1976 decise di aprire la sua emittente. Aveva appena presentato il Festival di Sanremo ed era al culmine del successo, ma decise di fare la sua radio nelle Marche. Dopo 43 anni sono state vendute le frequenze e successivamente è arrivata la chiusura. Un percorso comune a piccole e grandi emittenti (Radio Aut Marche aveva una copertura regionale). Ma dopo la trasmissione di addio, il 31 dicembre 2019, Giancarlo Guardabassi ha riacceso il trasmettitore: il 2 gennaio 2020, sull’unica frequenza non ceduta, i 100.5 di Francavilla d’Ete, ha ripreso a trasmettere, come lui si definisce, da “pirata” solitario.

Altre immagini dalla pagina della radio
Altre immagini dalla pagina della radio
Fonte: Radio Aut Marche

Il profilo di Giancarlo Guardabassi pubblicato sul sito della radio. La storia invece si può leggere qui.

Fabrizio Carnevalini

UK: High Court of Justice silences TuneIn

The Lexology website has published the ruling of the High Court of Justice explaining it in detail
The Lexology website has published the ruling of the High Court of Justice explaining it in detail

The famous aggregator will have to turn off more than 90% of the audio streams it hosts to prevent UK users from listening to foreign broadcasters. It has in fact lost the lawsuit filed in 2017 by Sony and Warner, two big names in the music business (together they control 43% of the global market). The High Court of Justice has recognised that TuneIn has violated the record rights because it is not a simple intermediary (which publishes only the links) but also inserts advertising. In the UK, therefore, those who want to listen to a foreign broadcaster will have to search the web for the address of the radio and streaming site (or change aggregator). The ruling protects radio stations (TuneIn places advertisements into their programming) and other countries may comply with the decision of the English High Court. But in perspective it calls into question one of the pillars of the web: the ability to listen to radio stations around the world. So far, record companies have considered foreign listeners to be marginal to the web, but now music could change.

Urban Radio: A Roma un’emittente su quattro dà voce alle tifoserie delle due squadre di calcio della città

ABSTRACT (in english)

From Italy begins a journey to the world’s urban radio landscapes. Rome’s radio station dial is full of local stations (36 of the 94 listenable frequencies), while most of the country is dominated by national networks. Among the capital’s radio stations, one out of four speaks about football, giving voice to the fans of the two teams (Roma and Lazio). This has not always been the case: until twenty years ago, talk radio stations were fashionable, but today they have disappeared, but it is possible to listen to some recordings with ads, commercials and programme clips on a site that tells the story.

Article (in italiano)

Inizia dall’Italia il percorso nei panorami radiofonici mondiali, ideato per entrare nello “spirito” delle emittenti che popolano l’etere delle capitali.

L’Anfiteatro Flavio, simbolo di Roma: duemila anni fa ospitava fino a 87.000 spettatori. Più di quelli dell’attuale stadio Olimpico (70.500) dove, nell'immaginario, i giocatori di calcio hanno sostituito gli antichi gladiatori
L’Anfiteatro Flavio, simbolo di Roma: duemila anni fa ospitava fino a 87.000 spettatori. Più di quelli dell’attuale stadio Olimpico (70.500) dove, nell’immaginario, i giocatori di calcio hanno sostituito gli antichi gladiatori

La Capitale è tra le poche città italiane a vantare un panorama radiofonico ricco di realtà locali, a differenza, per esempio, di Milano, dove molte emittenti di successo si sono trasformate in network di dimensione nazionale o multi-regionale, affievolendo il legame con il territorio. A Roma, invece, su 94 frequenze ricevibili con un ricevitore domestico o l’autoradio, ben 36 (il 39%) sono locali, come mostra il bandscan realizzato da Armando Finocchi.

Oggi va di moda il calcio

Radio Radio, su 104.5 MHz, dedica molto spazio al calcio ma si mantiene equidistante tra le due tifoserie, a differenza delle altre sette, che dichiarano la propria appartenenza
Radio Radio, su 104.5 MHz, dedica molto spazio al calcio ma si mantiene equidistante tra le due tifoserie, a differenza delle altre sette, che dichiarano la propria appartenenza

In città hanno sede otto radio nazionali diffuse in FM, delle quali cinque sono pubbliche (Rai Radio1, Rai Radio2, Rai Radio3, GR Parlamento e Isoradio) e tre commerciali (m2o, RDS e Radio Capital). Delle emittenti locali o regionali, una su quattro (8 su 32) si è specializzata nel calcio e alcune sono di proprietà delle società sportive. Molto seguite, basano il loro successo anche sul fatto che dedicano ampio spazio ai commenti e alla dietrologia alimentata dalla rivalità delle tifoserie rivali.

Roma Radio (100.7 MHz) è l’emittente ufficiale della squadra AS Roma Calcio. Le altre tre stazioni che ne parlano sono: Tele Radio Stereo (92.7 MHz), Centro Suono Sport (101.5 MHz) e Rete Sport (104.2 MHz)
Roma Radio (100.7 MHz) è l’emittente ufficiale della squadra AS Roma Calcio. Le altre tre stazioni che ne parlano sono: Tele Radio Stereo (92.7 MHz), Centro Suono Sport (101.5 MHz) e Rete Sport (104.2 MHz)
Lazio Style Radio (90.3 MHz) è l’emittente ufficiale della SS Lazio; la squadra viene poi seguita da Radio Sei (98.1 MHz) e Radio Incontro Olympia (105.8 MHz)
Lazio Style Radio (90.3 MHz) è l’emittente ufficiale della SS Lazio; la squadra viene poi seguita da Radio Sei (98.1 MHz) e Radio Incontro Olympia (105.8 MHz)

…mentre una volta si puntava sulle dediche

Per rivivere gli anni ruggenti dell’etere romano si può consultare il sito creato da Claudio Patrizi, che raccoglie anche registrazioni di programmi, annunci, jingle e pubblicità di queste ed altre storiche emittenti della capitale
Per rivivere gli anni ruggenti dell’etere romano si può consultare il sito creato da Claudio Patrizi, che raccoglie anche registrazioni di programmi, annunci, jingle e pubblicità di queste ed altre storiche emittenti della capitale

Ma anche questa potrebbe essere una moda del momento: fino a vent’anni fa andavano per la maggiore le radio di “dediche”. Un fenomeno tutto romano, da non confondere con la semplice richiesta di dischi da mettere in onda: ne esistevano una trentina, da tempo scomparse perché la loro formula era incompatibile con una corretta gestione imprenditoriale della radio. Erano in sostanza delle talk radio: si parlava molto, gli ascoltatori telefonavano per richiedere i dischi, ma erano improvvisate e di bassa professionalità, caratteristica che non attirava gli inserzionisti, condannandole a una rapida chiusura. Ultime a morire Radio Chat Noir (FM 90.9) e Radio Gioia Paradise Amica (FM 106.35), ma se ne potrebbero citare molte.
Tra queste segnaliamo:
88.05 Radio Melody
89.3 Effetto Radio 1
89.5 Radio Studio 5
90.3 Radio Mary
96.6 Radio Mary 3 – Fedeltà FM
97.9 Radio Mary 2 – Radio Civiltà
100.5 Radio La Bussola
101.5 Radio Antenna Romana
104.75 Radio Lido
106.85 Radio Vega International

Una lista “storica” delle radio ascoltabili a Roma pubblicata sul primo numero della rivista SceltaTV, settimanale di programmi radiotelevisivi edito tra il 1977 e il 1983. Questo elenco, uscito in edicola 43 anni fa, sul numero del 2 gennaio 1977, censiva 84 emittenti. Le emittenti FM erano state liberalizzate l’anno prima.
Una lista “storica” delle radio ascoltabili a Roma pubblicata sul primo numero della rivista SceltaTV, settimanale di programmi radiotelevisivi edito tra il 1977 e il 1983. Questo elenco, uscito in edicola 43 anni fa, sul numero del 2 gennaio 1977, censiva 84 emittenti. Le emittenti FM erano state liberalizzate l’anno prima.
L’anno dopo le radio erano quasi raddoppiate: il numero dell’1 gennaio 1978, ne conta 136. Come si può vedere ci sono diverse frequenze dove operano due emittenti. Si calcola che fossero almeno duecento le radio nella capitale. Alcune trasmettevano per pochi mesi o settimane, e si ricevevano solo in alcune zone della città.
L’anno dopo le radio erano quasi raddoppiate: il numero dell’1 gennaio 1978, ne conta 136. Come si può vedere ci sono diverse frequenze dove operano due emittenti. Si calcola che fossero almeno duecento le radio nella capitale. Alcune trasmettevano per pochi mesi o settimane, e si ricevevano solo in alcune zone della città. Source

Le emittenti ascoltabili oggi in città

87.60   RAI Radio1 Lazio        Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo vetta (RAI)           *Radio1_
87.90   Radio Onda Rossa      Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo vetta        RADIO___ ONDA____ ROSSA___ 87.9_FM_ UN______ SEGNALE_ CHE_____ DISTURBA
88.10   Radio Manà Manà       Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     _RADIO__ _MANA’__ _MANA’
88.30   Radiofreccia    Rocca di Papa/Madonna del Tufo     FRECCIA_
88.60   Radio Radicale Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo vetta        RADIO___ RADICALE
88.90   Radio Zeta       Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     ZETA____      
89.10   Radio Cusano Campus           Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     _RADIO__ _CUSANO_ _CAMPUS_ 
89.30   Lazio Style Radio        Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     _LAZIO__ _STYLE__ _RADIO__ OFFICIAL SS.LAZIO SMS_333_ 3149900_ DIRETTA_ ___06___ 97607408 EFFETTO_ *_89.3_*   
89.50   China FM        Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     CHINA_FM     
89.70   RAI Radio1 Lazio        Roma/Monte Mario (RAI)        *Radio1_        
89.90   Retesport        Rieti/Frazione Campoforogna (Monte Terminillo)       __RETE__ __SPORT_
90.00   NSL Radio TV Monte Porzio Catone           __NSL___      
90.30   Radio Deejay   Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     _DEEJAY_     
90.50   m2o     Rocca di Papa      _M_DUE_O    
90.70   Radio Sonica   Rocca di Papa _RADIO__ _SONICA_           
90.90   Radio Cusano Tv Italia Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     __RADIO_ _CUSANO_ ___TV___ _ITALIA_
91.20   RAI Radio2      Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo vetta (RAI)           *Radio2_        
91.50   RTL 102.5       Roma/Monte Mario           RTL102.5       
91.70   RAI Radio2      Roma/Monte Mario (RAI)        *Radio2_        
92.00   R101   Palombara Sabina/Monte Gennaro     __R101__      
92.20   RTL 102.5       Palombara Sabina/Monte Gennaro     RTL102.5       
92.40   RTL 102.5       Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     RTL102.5       
92.70   Tele Radio Stereo       Rocca di Papa    TRS-TELE __RADIO_ _STEREO_
92.90   Spazio Radio-Onda Jazz         Roma/Casilina  SPAZIO_R     
93.00   Radio Roma Capitale   Palombara Sabina/Monte Gennaro     RADIO___ ROMA____ CAPITALE    
93.20   Radio Zeta       Palombara Sabina/Monte Gennaro     __ZETA__      
93.20   Radio Quattro  Roma/Via del Mascherino RADIO_4_ QUATTRO_         
93.30   Radio Zeta       Cittá del Vaticano/Palazzina Leone XIII           __ZETA__      
93.50   Radio Mater-inBlu       Roma/Via Massimi       R.MATER_     
93.70   RAI Radio3      Roma/Monte Mario (RAI)        *Radio3_        
94.00   Radio Subasio Palombara Sabina/Monte Gennaro     SUBASIO_     
94.20   Virgin Radio     Albano Laziale/Via dei Cappuccini  _VIRGIN_
94.50   Radio Subasio Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     SUBASIO_     
94.80   Radio Maria     Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo vetta        R.MARIA_      
95.10   Radio Maria     Monte Compatri/Frazione Pratarena         R.MARIA_      
95.30   Radio Dimensione Musica       Frascati/Hotel Villa Tuscolana         _Radio__ _*_RDM_*  
95.50   Radio Capital   Monte Compatri/Frazione Pratarena         CAPITAL_      
95.80   Radio Capital   Castel San Pietro Romano/Campagnano        _CAPITAL
96.10   Radio 105        Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     __105___       
96.30   Radio inBlu      Cittá del Vaticano/Palazzina Leone XIII           …INBLU N_VERDE_ __800___ _371110_   
96.50   Radio 105        Roma/Monte Mario      __105___       
96.60   Radio L’Olgiata            Roma-Olgiata        OLGIATA_     
96.60   NSL Radio TV Roma/Via Luigi Maria Arconati __NSL___      
96.60   Radio 105        Roma/Via Magliano in Toscana     __105___       
96.80   RID 96.8          Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     RID_____       
97.00   m2o     Monte Compatri/Frazione Pratarena         _M_DUE_O    
97.20   Radio Kiss Kiss           Montecompatri/Frazione San Silvestro           KISSKISS        
97.50   Radio Italia SoloMusicaItaliana Frascati/Hotel Villa Tuscolana         R_ITALIA       
97.70   M100   Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     __M100__      
97.90   Radio Kiss Kiss           Frascati/Hotel Villa Tuscolana         KISSKISS       
98.10   Radiosei          Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     RADIOSEI      
98.40   RAI Radio3      Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo vetta (RAI)           *Radio3_        
98.70   Virgin Radio     Frascati/Hotel Villa Tuscolana         _VIRGIN_       
99.00   RTR 99           Rocca di Papa _RTR_99_     
99.20   Simply Radio   Albano Laziale/Via dei Cappuccini  *SIMPLY* *RADIO*_   
99.40   RAI GR Parlamento     Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo vetta (RAI)           RAI-GRPR      
99.60   Radio Globo    Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     _GLOBO__    
99.80   Radio IES        Rocca di Papa RadioYES        
100.00 R101   Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo vetta        __R101__      
100.30 Rai Radio3 Classica     Roma/Monte Mario (RAI)        RaiRadio Classica       
100.50 Radio Italia Anni 60     Monte Porzio Catone  R.ITALIA ANNI_60_   
100.70 Roma Radio     Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     __ROMA__ _RADIO__ 50191421    
101.00 Radio Deejay   Monte Compatri/Frazione Pratarena         _DEEJAY_     
101.30 Centro Suono  Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     _CENTRO_ _SUONO__        
101.50 Centro Suono Sport    Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo vetta        _CENTRO_ _SUONO__ _SPORT__
101.70 Radio Evangelo (Roma)          Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     _RADIO__ EVANGELO         
101.90 Dimensione Suono Roma       Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     DIM*ROMA    
102.10 Radiofreccia    Palombara Sabina/Monte Gennaro     _FRECCIA     
102.30 TRS The Radio Station           Palombara Sabina/Monte Gennaro     TRS102.3 SMS_339_ 8416395_ MUSICA_E PAROLE__ SENZA___ ORARIO_E BANDIERE
102.40 Radio Radicale Roma/Monte Mario      RADIO_*_ RADICALE
102.50 RTL 102.5       Roma/Via Luigi Maria Arconati RTL102.5       
102.70 RAM Power     Monte Compatri          RAMPOWER  
103.00 RDS     Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     *_RDS_*_       
103.30 Radio News  Frascati/Hotel Villa Tuscolana         __NEWS__    
103.50 RAI IsoRadio   Rocca di Papa (RAI)    ISORADIO RAI103.5  
103.70 Radio Subasio Calvi dell’Umbria/Monte San Pancrazio           SUBASIO_     
103.80 Radio Vaticana 105 Live          Cittá del Vaticano/Palazzina Leone XIII           RADIO___ VATICANA ITALIA__ WHATSAPP 335_____ 1243722_ 
104.00 Radio Crik Crok           Monte Compatri/Frazione Pratarena       
104.20 Retesport        Monte Compatri/Frazione Pratarena         __RETE__ __SPORT_          
104.50 Radio Radio     Palombara Sabina/Monte Gennaro     R-RADIO_      
104.80 Radio Voce della Speranza (Roma)    Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     RVS_____ Tel.06__ 3210200_ __www.__ rvsroma_ .it_____
105.00 Radio Vaticana 105 Live          Cittá del Vaticano/Palazzina Leone XIII           Radio___ Vaticana Italia__
105.30 Dimensione Suono Soft          Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     DIM*SOFT     
105.60 Radio Italia SoloMusicaItaliana Rocca di Papa R_ITALIA       
105.80 Radio Incontro Olympia           Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     INCONTRO    
106.10 RMC – Radio Monte Carlo       Frascati/Hotel Villa Tuscolana         __RMC___     
106.30 RMC – Radio Monte Carlo       Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     __RMC___     
106.60 Radio Rock      Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     __ROCK__     
106.90 Radio Mambo  Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     R-MAMBO_ EL_RITMO VIDA____   
107.10 Antenna Uno   Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     ANTENNA1    
107.40 Radio 105        Palombara Sabina/Monte Gennaro     __105___       
107.60 Radio L’Olgiata            Monte Compatri          OLGIATA_
107.70 Radio Radicale Rieti/Frazione Campoforogna (Monte Terminillo)       RADIO___ RADICALE           
107.90 Radio 24          Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     RADIO_24      

USA: Radio must reinvent itself and focus on information

Variety tells the story of the new project on which the inventor of the radio format who invented playlists in the 1970s is working
Variety talks about the new project the inventor of the playlists is working on

Lee Abrams, who in 1973 created the radio format AOR (Album Oriented Rock) tells Variety about his new project: a new format to renew the way of doing radio. In the seventies the idea of sticking to a playlist was a way to build a precise radio identity, but almost fifty years later the father of this format repudiates his creature: the programming is now flattened and the radio stations are too similar. The solution? Reinventing oneself, focusing on information, defined by Abrams as “the new rock ‘n’ roll”, and leaving more room for creativity. Here are the details.

FRANCE Les radios françaises résistent au Covid-19


After speaking to the Italian radio editors, we asked French editors to tell us about the impact the pandemic has had on them. 97 radio stations replied, most of them community radio stations (83), giving us an insight into the reality they have faced which differs from that of the commercial radio stations monitored by SIRTI, the union that represents them. The radios have increased information (62%), organised fund raising and played a role in social solidarity. Advertising has halved (-49%) but the radio editors have survived the storm. To date only 1% of the staff has been laid off (34% in Italy), however 38% of the respondents have already applied for the advantages of the ‘partial employment’ scheme. Regarding energy consumption, which is a hot topic in Italy (45% of the budget goes in paying the bills), this is regulated in France and the cost is half (25%). At the end of the survey there are proposals made by the editors on how to come out of the crisis.

La tour Eiffel, un des symboles de la grandeur française, a été sauvée par les radios. Elle devait être démolie au bout de vingt ans, mais elle était considérée comme une excellente antenne: en 1906, l'armée a commencé à l'utiliser, puis la marine. Aujourd'hui, elle est très fréquentée (elle est utilisée par 32 radios) et les loyers sont élevés, de sorte que pour couvrir la ville avec Dab, les compagnies de télécommunications proposent des sites alternatifs.
La tour Eiffel, un des symboles de la grandeur française, a été sauvée par les radios. Elle devait être démolie au bout de vingt ans, mais elle était considérée comme une excellente antenne: en 1906, l’armée a commencé à l’utiliser, puis la marine. Aujourd’hui, elle est très fréquentée (elle est utilisée par 32 radios) et les loyers sont élevés, de sorte que pour couvrir la ville avec Dab, les compagnies de télécommunications proposent des sites alternatifs.

Après avoir interrogé les éditeurs italiens, nous avons demandé aux éditeurs français de nous parler de l’impact de la pandémie sur l’activité de leurs stations de radio. Les deux systèmes de media sont différents: en France, ils exploitent environ 900 radios (CSA – Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisuel), soit 6% de moins que les radios italiennes (957). Mais seulement une sur cinq est commerciale (environ 200, 22%), tandis que les 700 autres sont “associatives”: formule qui prévoit qu’une radio reste autofinancée et bénéficie d’une aide de l’Etat, avec une publicité qui ne peut dépasser 20% des recettes (et certaines stations ne la fournissent tout simplement pas). En Italie, par contre, les ratios sont inversés: 65% des stations (624) vivent grâce aux recettes publicitaires et pour les 333 stations, il n’y a qu’une limitation du nombre de spots publicitaires à diffuser (10% par heure, soit 6 minutes : pas peu).

Plus d’une station de radio sur dix a répondu

Les studios de RCF (Radio Crétienne Francofone), un réseau de 64 stations communautaires qui font appel à environ 3000 bénévoles
Les studios de RCF (Radio Crétienne Francofone), un réseau de 64 stations communautaires qui font appel à environ 3000 bénévoles
Crédits: Vincent Moncorge

L’enquête a été réalisée par 97 diffuseurs, pour la plupart des associations (83), dont 78 radios locales, 5 régionales, une multirégionale et une nationale. Cela nous a permis d’enquêter sur une réalité complémentaire à celle des radios commerciales, déjà contrôlées par Sirti, le syndicat qui les représente (nous en avons parlé ici). La réponse à l’urgence a été similaire à celle des radios italiennes : au-delà des Alpes également, les radios ont réagi en renforçant l’information, en organisant des collectes de fonds et en jouant un rôle de cohésion sociale.

Publicité (et recettes) réduite de moitié? Il est “coupé”, mais seulement en grands groupes

Les studios de Azur FM, la première radio associative alzacienne émettant sur cinq fréquences
Les studios de Azur FM, la première radio associative alzacienne émettant sur cinq fréquences

La publicité a été réduite de moitié en moyenne (-49%), ce qui reflète la situation des stations de radio multirégionales (-50%), tandis que les spots publicitaires (-72%) et les stations de radio nationales (-90%) ont souffert. Le “préjudice” causé aux associations, qui se concentrent moins sur la publicité, a été limité: pour elles, la baisse a été de 24%. Le renforcement des espaces d’information a été en moyenne de 62% (54% en Italie), mais comme nous l’avons observé en Italie, les radios et réseaux nationaux ont fait beaucoup plus, augmentant les nouvelles de 85 et 105% respectivement, contre 63% pour les associations. Un effort organisationnel autofinancé, non indifférent et soutenu. Les éditeurs, grands et petits, ont résisté à l’impact sans recourir aux licenciements: des petites réalités aux stations de radio nationales, seulement 1,34% du personnel a été licencié (en Italie 34%). Mais 38% des entreprises ont demandé un chômage partiel, en particulier les radios multirégionales (55%). Les associations et les commerciaux sont au même niveau (avec respectivement 40 et 41%), aussi parce qu’ils sont gérés en moyenne par 5 employés et 40 bénévoles. Les grands groupes, au contraire, ont déjà commencé à couper : nous en avons parlé ici.

Juste ce qu’il faut au frais de fonctionnement

Le CSA Conseil Supérieur de l'Audivisuel, est l'autorité publique qui réglemente également la planification des fréquences
Le CSA Conseil Supérieur de l’Audivisuel, est l’autorité publique qui réglemente également la planification des fréquences

En France, l’éther est planifié et l’énergie n’est pas gaspillée: les factures d’électricité n’absorbent qu’un quart du budget annuel d’un radiodiffuseur, alors qu’en Italie, elles sont presque deux fois plus élevées (45 %). Seul un faible pourcentage de répondants (10%) est favorable à la réduction de la puissance des systèmes, mais ils souhaiteraient l’appliquer à tous les émetteurs, même ceux de moins de 100W. Concernant la durée de la réduction, 54% la limiteraient à trois mois, tandis que 27% souhaiteraient la maintenir pour toujours.

De nombreuses idées pour redémarrer

Les droits d'auteur sont gérés par deux sociétés: la Sacem est responsable des droits des auteurs, compositeurs et producteurs de musique; la Spre celle des artistes interprètes et producteurs de musique
Les droits d’auteur sont gérés par deux sociétés: la Sacem est responsable des droits des auteurs, compositeurs et producteurs de musique; la Spre celle des artistes interprètes et producteurs de musique

Nous avons regroupé les suggestions des éditeurs par thèmes, en essayant de les transformer en propositions dont les associations devront être les porte-parole. Deux radios sur trois (66%) demandent une prime et un fonds de soutien, mais sur le reste des mesures, il y a une nette distinction entre les radios commerciales et associatives. Les premiers demandent une aide financière, une réduction des impôts (ou leur suppression pour 2020 et 2021) et des charges salariales. Il y a ceux qui pointent du doigt les droits d’auteur (gérés par la Sacem et la Spre) et ceux qui suggèrent au gouvernement de prévoir un crédit d’impôt pour les annonceurs, pour relancer la publicité (une mesure également envisagée en Italie). Les radio associatives, quant à elles, réclament des subventions exceptionnelles, une augmentation du FSER (Fonds de soutien à l’expression radiophonique locale) et des formes de soutien indirect, comme la diffusion de messages d’intérêt général (payés par le gouvernement) afin de faire rentrer de l’argent frais dans les caisses désormais vides. Mais aussi des solutions rapides, telles que la réduction de la TVA. En bref, le monde entier est un pays, même le fait que (comme cela s’est produit dans le cadre d’une enquête italienne similaire), un seul éditeur s’est déclaré satisfait de ce que le gouvernement a fait jusqu’à présent pour la radio. 

RUSSIA: The market is not mature enough for DAB radio

Produced by the Academy of the media industry, a report of 150 pages was drawn up by a team of academics from various universities and research centres
Produced by the Academy of the media industry, a report of 150 pages was drawn up by a team of academics from various universities and research centres
Source: Report on radio in Russia 2019

The annual report on the information industry in Russia covers many aspects of the media. Among these, we have focussed our attention on the move to digital TV, FM band migration and the increase in numbers of transmitters, and digital radio coming to a stop.

Analogue TV is dead! (but still operating alongside digital)

The television broadcasting network has 5,040 transmitters broadcasting 20 TV channels and three radio stations (Radio Rossii, Mayak and Vesti FM) covering 98.4% of the country.
The television broadcasting network has 5,040 transmitters broadcasting 20 TV channels and three radio stations (Radio Rossii, Mayak and Vesti FM) covering 98.4% of the country.
Source: Report on radio in Russia 2019

The switchover to digital was completed in 2019. It was proudly announced that the transition took ten years, which was faster than the United States (11 years), Australia (12) and Great Britain (14). In addition, with 98.4% of the population being able to tune in, Russia beats France (97.3%), Austria (96.0%), Switzerland (*) (95.0%) and Portugal (92.7%). However analogue TV is not totally dead. The national channels have been switched off, but the regional channels are still operating. And there are quite a few of them. Our FMLIST correspondent in the Republic of Karelia (east of Finland) confirmed that there are a good five of them in the city where he lives.

(*) Switzerland has switched off terrestrial TV via DVB-T in summer 2019

Radio stations move to FM

In order to listen to Radio Mayak and Vesti FM in big cities, new transmitters will be switched on and the present number of 1,167 will be increased to 2,000 by 2021. 572 have already been ordered

In order to listen to Radio Mayak and Vesti FM in big cities, new transmitters will be switched on and the present number of 1,167 will be increased to 2,000 by 2021. 572 have already been ordered
Source: Report on radio in Russia 2019

The state radio network will be moving from broadcasting on the OIRT band (between 65.8 and 74 MHz) to the European FM band  (87.5-108 MHz), where the commercial radio stations are already present. New licences will be granted to Radio Mayak and Vesti FM in order to allow them to broadcast in all cities with over 100,000 inhabitants. In order to manage the increase in number of channels, they are studying isofrequency networks used abroad in countries like Moldavia, where the radio station Inter-FM can be received with traffic information along the motorway. A solution based on a lot of low power transmitters would also not infringe health regulations that limit the use of high power transmitters.

‘The market is not ready’ for DAB

Digital radio is widespread in many European countries. From 2020 a European law has made it mandatory for automakers to equip all new cars with DAB radios
Digital radio is widespread in many European countries. From 2020 a European law has made it mandatory for automakers to equip all new cars with DAB radios
Source: Report on radio in Russia 2019

The development of digital radio in Europe is analysed in the report. But this ‘revolution’ will not be happening in Russia. Even though frequencies for DAB+ transmissions have been allocated, this does not mean that they will be activated. The Ministry of Communications believes that the advertising market is not mature enough yet to justify the increase in the numbers of radio stations that can use updated technology.

St. Petersburg is experimenting with DRM+

Digital broadcasting on 95.7 MHz FM enables more than one channel to use the same bandwidth as analogue radio and does not interfere with radio stations in the vicinity
Digital broadcasting on 95.7 MHz FM enables more than one channel to use the same bandwidth as analogue radio and does not interfere with radio stations in the vicinity
Source: Report on radio in Russia 2019

Therefore the aim is to develop broadcasting systems such as DRM+ that allow a radio station to also transmit digital channels on the same FM frequency, leaving listeners free to equip themselves to receive transmissions in high quality sound, but not being obliged to replace their radio with a new one (estimated cost of about $10 US). In July 2019 Comedy Radio carried out tests in St. Petersburg by digitally broadcasting three channels on 95.7 MHz FM. The first one was a repeat of their analogue channel with a bitrate of 33 kbps, the other two were Avtoradio (43 kbps) and Evropa Plus (20 kbps).

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