The map produced by Agcom divides the Italian peninsula into various interference zones: in each one, international coordination with neighbouring countries exposed to possible interference is required
The map produced by Agcom divides the Italian peninsula into various interference zones: in each one, international coordination with neighbouring countries exposed to possible interference is required

After years of waiting, the long-awaited planning of the DAB band by Agcom has arrived. The regulator waited for the channels in band III to become free with the switchover to DVB T2 and released the plan at the end of July 2022. There was no shortage of controversy, fuelled by rumours of the switch-off of hundreds of FM frequencies on the Adriatic coast due to interference caused to broadcasters in Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania and Greece. A problem due to technical reasons (installations in the mountains point towards centres on the coast), to the high powers used (Italy’s historical problem) but above all to tropospheric propagation. This is a meteorological phenomenon that occurs mainly in summer, when the lower layers of the atmosphere, compressed by high pressure, become denser and reflect radio waves.

Did they just try it?

The specialised magazine Newslinet has dedicated several reports in recent months to the digital radio plan, interviewing associations and editors of national networks
The specialised magazine Newslinet has dedicated several reports in recent months to the digital radio plan, interviewing associations and editors of national networks

The specialised periodical Newslinet reported in July 2022 that there was a plan to shut down hundreds of channels on the Adriatic coast because they were disturbing foreign radio stations. It is a problem that has been known about for decades and is due to the fact that since 1990, after the freezing of the airwaves brought about by the “Legge Mammì“, no planning has ever been done for the FM band in Italy. And the interference situations, not well managed by Italy also due to the absence (lamented by the associations) of the Italian delegation at the European planning table, now leave very narrow margins for manoeuvre. Hence the attempt to induce broadcasters to exchange DAB-FM or to scrap it in order to fall within the parameters of the Geneva regulations.

Associations on different levels

Lawyer Marco Rossignoli, president of Aeranti-Corallo, an organisation that has united the two associations since 2001, of which Corallo represents Catholic broadcasters

The position of the associations varied. Among them, Aeranti Corallo, which has always pushed to accelerate planning, continues to be critical, reiterating that the frequencies are not sufficient to allow the transition from FM to digital. On the other hand, Confindustria Radio Televisioni applauds the planning: will it be because the networks it represents already have one or more channels in the DAB band? But what does the plan say? It confirms the three existing national networks (Rai, DAB Italia and EuroDab, for a total of about 50 channels) and envisages 54 local ones with regional coverage, of which 27 can be broken down into sub-basins, and another 36 in the local area to cover one or more provinces. Beyond the technical data, in some provinces there could be space for six multiplex (for a total of about 120 channels), but not in the southern Adriatic regions, due to interference problems.

Halo, Halo ovdje radio Zagreb – radijska tradicija stara 95 godina!


From the first broadcast happening on Radio Zagreb back in 1926, until today, when a total of 155 radio stations operate in Croatia – radio has not lost its popularity. Radio survived the challenges of the modern age and is a very popular medium in Croatia. According to statistics more than half of Croatian citizens follow the radio waves every day!

ARTICLE (Na hrvatskom)

15. svibnja 2021.godine navršit će se točno devedeset i pet godina otkako se glas Božene Begović premijerno začuo u hrvatskom eteru i time označio početak gotovo stogodišnje povijesti radija u Hrvatskoj.

Iako se ovaj prijenos smatra početkom hrvatske radijske povijesti, njeni su temelji postavljeni nešto ranije, 1918. godine osnutkom radiotelegrafske postaje Radio Grič.

Radio-Grič, prva radiotelegrafska postaja u Hrvatskoj. Postavljena je u studenome 1918. na zagrebačkom Gornjem gradu (sastojala se od uređaja skinutih s austrougarske krstarice Novara) te je služila Hrvatskomu narodnom vijeću za veze s najvažnijim europskim gradovima; bila je jedan od glavnih izvora informacija iz inozemstva, koje su svakodnevno objavljivane i u posebnom biltenu. U tom je smislu Radio-Grič bio preteča Radiostanice Zagreb, prve radiodifuzijske postaje u Hrvatskoj, koja je počela emitirati 1926.
Citat: Radio-Grič. Hrvatska enciklopedija, mrežno izdanje

Pet godina nakon osnutka Radio Griča, grupa entuzijasta na čelu s Dr. Ivom Sternom, osniva  Radio klub Zagreb iz čijih će se prostorija na Markovom trgu 9, 1926. godine začuti sad već legendarna.

Halo, Halo, ovdje radio Zagreb!

Nakon najavne rečenice kojoj je prethodilo izvođenje himne, slušateljima se  obratio  Dr. Ivo Stern kao prvi ravnatelj Radio Zagreba.  Program je nastavljen čitanjem službenog biltena , a prva emitirana glazba bila je ona Beethovena, Haydna, Chopina, Rameaua i Saint-Saensa.

Iste godine, nedugo nakon prvog emitiranja, Radio Zagreb je na konferenciji u Lausannei,  postao punopravni član ITU-a (International Telecommunications Union).  

Osim prijenosa uživo, većinu radijskog programa tadašnjeg vremena  sačinjavale su glazba i radio drama – nova forma, koju je u Europi popularizirao BBC. Slijedeći trendove, Radio Zagreb  već  4. prosinca 1926. objavljuje natječaj za izvorni radiodramski tekst, te kao jedna od prvih postaja u Europi javno poziva slušatelje na sudjelovanje u stvaranju originalnih rukopisa.

Prva hrvatska radiodrama, pod nazivom Vatra, autora i redatelja Ive Šrepela izvedena je 7. travnja 1927. Izvođenje je izazvalo toliko uzbuđenje kod slušatelja da su neki, prema informacijama navedenim u  dnevnom tisku, izišli na balkone misleći da je na Griču buknuo požar.

S obzirom da je glazba od samih početka zauzimala najveći dio programa,  Radio Zagrebu  1946. osniva big band Plesni orkestar Radio Zagreba(danas Jazz orkestarHrvatske radiotelevizije ), koji kontinuirano djeluje više od 60 godina, sve do danas.

Skoro dvadeset godina Radio Zagreb nastavlja djelovati kao jedini radijski medij na našim prostorima, sve do 1942. kad je osnovan Radio Dubrovnik,  ujedno i prva lokalna postaja u Hrvatskoj.

Kao i većina tadašnjih radio stanica u Europi, radio Zagreb bio je u privatnom vlasništvu sve do početka 1940. kad je nacionaliziran i za vrijeme NDH djeluje kao Hrvatski krugoval.  Po završetku Drugog svjetskog rata,  postaje nacionalna postaja koja nezavisno djeluje u sastavu JRT (Jugoslovenske radio- televizije), a nakon 1990. u sklopu Hrvatske radio televizije. 

Prema zadnjim istraživanjima, radio svakodnevno sluša 55,5 posto hrvatskih građana, a na tjednoj bazi njih 91,2 posto. I tjedna i dnevna slušanost je u zadnje četiri godine u blagom porastu. U prosjeku hrvatski slušatelj uz radio dnevno provede 78,6 minuta. Žene nešto više od muškaraca, 83,4 naspram 67,5 minuta.

Scena nezavisnih radio stanica svoju ekspanziju doživljava šezdesetih godina, a  nakon 1997. u Hrvatskoj s radom počinju i privatne nacionalne radijske postaje.  Iste godine u pogon je stavljena prva zemaljska satelitska postaja na Prisavlju, putem koje se između ostalog , počeo emitirati Prvi program Hrvatskog radija u Europi i na Bliskom istoku.

Iako glazba i dalje zauzima najveći  dio programa, informativni program, većinom prilagođen lokalnom slušateljstvu razlog je velike popularnosti radijskih postaja.  Danas u hrvatskom eteru djeluje ukupno 155 radijskih postaja, a radio je i dalje, unatoč  inovacijama jedan od najslušanijih i najutjecajnijih medija u Hrvatskoj. 

Sunčica Pjevac

CORONAVIRUS: Stop to transition to DVB-T2 in Croatia

Hakom Website, Croatia
Hakom Website

The image of a man, seen from behind with his arms outstretched in a gesture of resignation, currently on the website page where Hakom, the Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries, informs citizens of having postponed the transition to DVB-T2, the new television standard.  Instead of May 25th, 2020,  the transition will not be completed before the end of November or early December in order to allow the population to receive television programmes on existing TV sets. The Regulator is taking his time and will be making a further announcement at a later date, with the justification that it is not yet clear exactly how long the emergency measures, due to the pandemic, will last.   

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