SPAIN: Pandemic dries up budgets and radios cut back

Commercial radio stations have lost more than 20 percent of their turnover and need to save money
Pepa Bueno and Carlos Herrera, like other Iberian radio stars, risk a cut in their salaries for the whole of 2021: commercial radio stations have lost more than 20 percent of their turnover and need to save money

The economic crisis caused by the pandemic is having an impact on broadcasters’ turnover, which according to the InfoAdex study on advertising investment in Spain in 2020 will drop by 22.9% for all stations. This is a total of 111.5 million euros that will be lost and which will impact mainly on the large commercial networks such as Cadena Ser and Cope (which have lost 25.4 and 24.4% respectively). Broadcasters consider intervening again in the contracts of the big stars (including Pepa Bueno and Carlos Herrera), cutting them for the second consecutive year and probably until the end of 2021. And the situation shows no sign of improving, as the January 2021 InfoAdex figures put the decline at 26.7%.

More details on the smaller radio stations in the article by the independent newspaper El Español.

IRELAND: RTÉ shuts down DAB but channels continue on digital

RTÉ shuts down DAB but channels continue on digital
Like public radio stations in other countries, RTÉ has allocated a specific portion of the FM band to the main channels. Radio 1 can be heard between 88 and 90 MHz; 2fm between 90 and 92; lyric FM (classical music channel) between 96 and 99 and Raidió na Gaeltachta (in Gaelic) between 93 and 95.

As we anticipated in 2019 (news here), Ireland’s public broadcaster (Raidió Teilifís Éireann or RTÉ) will switch off the DAB channels on 31 March 2021, but will not close the RTÉ Gold, RTÉ 2XM, RTÉ Radio 1 Extra, RTÉ Pulse and RTÉjr Radio channels, which it will make available on other digital platforms. The decision was taken for three reasons: to reduce costs, the small number of listeners in the DAB band and the fact that RTÉ is the only Irish broadcaster in the digital band. The majority of Irish people (77%) listen to FM radio, compared to 0.5% for DAB. This is according to the latest radio listening survey (JNLR, Radio in a Digital World), conducted by market research institute Ipsos MRBI.

More details here.

URUGUAY: Radio Clarín will not close down

Radio Clarin will not close down
In a report by El Observador magazine, more details on the rescue of the broadcaster

It would have switched off its transmitter on 31 December 2020, abandoning 580 kHz on medium waves. But the station made famous by its music programming focusing on tango, folklore and typical Uruguayan music continues to transmit. The decision by the owners, who wanted to continue on the web, was overruled by Pablo da Silveira, Minister of Education and Culture, who announced that the government would intervene to temporarily run the station to allow negotiations to take place with potential buyers, who have already come forward. Clarín broadcasts daily about 100 songs by Carlos Gardel, one of the most important interpreters of River Plate and Latin American song. The repertoire is limited to 488 recordings of the highest technical quality so that the same song can be heard every five days.

Urban Radio: A Roma un’emittente su quattro dà voce alle tifoserie delle due squadre di calcio della città

ABSTRACT (in english)

From Italy begins a journey to the world’s urban radio landscapes. Rome’s radio station dial is full of local stations (36 of the 94 listenable frequencies), while most of the country is dominated by national networks. Among the capital’s radio stations, one out of four speaks about football, giving voice to the fans of the two teams (Roma and Lazio). This has not always been the case: until twenty years ago, talk radio stations were fashionable, but today they have disappeared, but it is possible to listen to some recordings with ads, commercials and programme clips on a site that tells the story.

Article (in italiano)

Inizia dall’Italia il percorso nei panorami radiofonici mondiali, ideato per entrare nello “spirito” delle emittenti che popolano l’etere delle capitali.

L’Anfiteatro Flavio, simbolo di Roma: duemila anni fa ospitava fino a 87.000 spettatori. Più di quelli dell’attuale stadio Olimpico (70.500) dove, nell'immaginario, i giocatori di calcio hanno sostituito gli antichi gladiatori
L’Anfiteatro Flavio, simbolo di Roma: duemila anni fa ospitava fino a 87.000 spettatori. Più di quelli dell’attuale stadio Olimpico (70.500) dove, nell’immaginario, i giocatori di calcio hanno sostituito gli antichi gladiatori

La Capitale è tra le poche città italiane a vantare un panorama radiofonico ricco di realtà locali, a differenza, per esempio, di Milano, dove molte emittenti di successo si sono trasformate in network di dimensione nazionale o multi-regionale, affievolendo il legame con il territorio. A Roma, invece, su 94 frequenze ricevibili con un ricevitore domestico o l’autoradio, ben 36 (il 39%) sono locali, come mostra il bandscan realizzato da Armando Finocchi.

Oggi va di moda il calcio

Radio Radio, su 104.5 MHz, dedica molto spazio al calcio ma si mantiene equidistante tra le due tifoserie, a differenza delle altre sette, che dichiarano la propria appartenenza
Radio Radio, su 104.5 MHz, dedica molto spazio al calcio ma si mantiene equidistante tra le due tifoserie, a differenza delle altre sette, che dichiarano la propria appartenenza

In città hanno sede otto radio nazionali diffuse in FM, delle quali cinque sono pubbliche (Rai Radio1, Rai Radio2, Rai Radio3, GR Parlamento e Isoradio) e tre commerciali (m2o, RDS e Radio Capital). Delle emittenti locali o regionali, una su quattro (8 su 32) si è specializzata nel calcio e alcune sono di proprietà delle società sportive. Molto seguite, basano il loro successo anche sul fatto che dedicano ampio spazio ai commenti e alla dietrologia alimentata dalla rivalità delle tifoserie rivali.

Roma Radio (100.7 MHz) è l’emittente ufficiale della squadra AS Roma Calcio. Le altre tre stazioni che ne parlano sono: Tele Radio Stereo (92.7 MHz), Centro Suono Sport (101.5 MHz) e Rete Sport (104.2 MHz)
Roma Radio (100.7 MHz) è l’emittente ufficiale della squadra AS Roma Calcio. Le altre tre stazioni che ne parlano sono: Tele Radio Stereo (92.7 MHz), Centro Suono Sport (101.5 MHz) e Rete Sport (104.2 MHz)
Lazio Style Radio (90.3 MHz) è l’emittente ufficiale della SS Lazio; la squadra viene poi seguita da Radio Sei (98.1 MHz) e Radio Incontro Olympia (105.8 MHz)
Lazio Style Radio (90.3 MHz) è l’emittente ufficiale della SS Lazio; la squadra viene poi seguita da Radio Sei (98.1 MHz) e Radio Incontro Olympia (105.8 MHz)

…mentre una volta si puntava sulle dediche

Per rivivere gli anni ruggenti dell’etere romano si può consultare il sito creato da Claudio Patrizi, che raccoglie anche registrazioni di programmi, annunci, jingle e pubblicità di queste ed altre storiche emittenti della capitale
Per rivivere gli anni ruggenti dell’etere romano si può consultare il sito creato da Claudio Patrizi, che raccoglie anche registrazioni di programmi, annunci, jingle e pubblicità di queste ed altre storiche emittenti della capitale

Ma anche questa potrebbe essere una moda del momento: fino a vent’anni fa andavano per la maggiore le radio di “dediche”. Un fenomeno tutto romano, da non confondere con la semplice richiesta di dischi da mettere in onda: ne esistevano una trentina, da tempo scomparse perché la loro formula era incompatibile con una corretta gestione imprenditoriale della radio. Erano in sostanza delle talk radio: si parlava molto, gli ascoltatori telefonavano per richiedere i dischi, ma erano improvvisate e di bassa professionalità, caratteristica che non attirava gli inserzionisti, condannandole a una rapida chiusura. Ultime a morire Radio Chat Noir (FM 90.9) e Radio Gioia Paradise Amica (FM 106.35), ma se ne potrebbero citare molte.
Tra queste segnaliamo:
88.05 Radio Melody
89.3 Effetto Radio 1
89.5 Radio Studio 5
90.3 Radio Mary
96.6 Radio Mary 3 – Fedeltà FM
97.9 Radio Mary 2 – Radio Civiltà
100.5 Radio La Bussola
101.5 Radio Antenna Romana
104.75 Radio Lido
106.85 Radio Vega International

Una lista “storica” delle radio ascoltabili a Roma pubblicata sul primo numero della rivista SceltaTV, settimanale di programmi radiotelevisivi edito tra il 1977 e il 1983. Questo elenco, uscito in edicola 43 anni fa, sul numero del 2 gennaio 1977, censiva 84 emittenti. Le emittenti FM erano state liberalizzate l’anno prima.
Una lista “storica” delle radio ascoltabili a Roma pubblicata sul primo numero della rivista SceltaTV, settimanale di programmi radiotelevisivi edito tra il 1977 e il 1983. Questo elenco, uscito in edicola 43 anni fa, sul numero del 2 gennaio 1977, censiva 84 emittenti. Le emittenti FM erano state liberalizzate l’anno prima.
L’anno dopo le radio erano quasi raddoppiate: il numero dell’1 gennaio 1978, ne conta 136. Come si può vedere ci sono diverse frequenze dove operano due emittenti. Si calcola che fossero almeno duecento le radio nella capitale. Alcune trasmettevano per pochi mesi o settimane, e si ricevevano solo in alcune zone della città.
L’anno dopo le radio erano quasi raddoppiate: il numero dell’1 gennaio 1978, ne conta 136. Come si può vedere ci sono diverse frequenze dove operano due emittenti. Si calcola che fossero almeno duecento le radio nella capitale. Alcune trasmettevano per pochi mesi o settimane, e si ricevevano solo in alcune zone della città. Source

Le emittenti ascoltabili oggi in città

87.60   RAI Radio1 Lazio        Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo vetta (RAI)           *Radio1_
87.90   Radio Onda Rossa      Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo vetta        RADIO___ ONDA____ ROSSA___ 87.9_FM_ UN______ SEGNALE_ CHE_____ DISTURBA
88.10   Radio Manà Manà       Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     _RADIO__ _MANA’__ _MANA’
88.30   Radiofreccia    Rocca di Papa/Madonna del Tufo     FRECCIA_
88.60   Radio Radicale Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo vetta        RADIO___ RADICALE
88.90   Radio Zeta       Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     ZETA____      
89.10   Radio Cusano Campus           Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     _RADIO__ _CUSANO_ _CAMPUS_ 
89.30   Lazio Style Radio        Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     _LAZIO__ _STYLE__ _RADIO__ OFFICIAL SS.LAZIO SMS_333_ 3149900_ DIRETTA_ ___06___ 97607408 EFFETTO_ *_89.3_*   
89.50   China FM        Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     CHINA_FM     
89.70   RAI Radio1 Lazio        Roma/Monte Mario (RAI)        *Radio1_        
89.90   Retesport        Rieti/Frazione Campoforogna (Monte Terminillo)       __RETE__ __SPORT_
90.00   NSL Radio TV Monte Porzio Catone           __NSL___      
90.30   Radio Deejay   Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     _DEEJAY_     
90.50   m2o     Rocca di Papa      _M_DUE_O    
90.70   Radio Sonica   Rocca di Papa _RADIO__ _SONICA_           
90.90   Radio Cusano Tv Italia Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     __RADIO_ _CUSANO_ ___TV___ _ITALIA_
91.20   RAI Radio2      Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo vetta (RAI)           *Radio2_        
91.50   RTL 102.5       Roma/Monte Mario           RTL102.5       
91.70   RAI Radio2      Roma/Monte Mario (RAI)        *Radio2_        
92.00   R101   Palombara Sabina/Monte Gennaro     __R101__      
92.20   RTL 102.5       Palombara Sabina/Monte Gennaro     RTL102.5       
92.40   RTL 102.5       Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     RTL102.5       
92.70   Tele Radio Stereo       Rocca di Papa    TRS-TELE __RADIO_ _STEREO_
92.90   Spazio Radio-Onda Jazz         Roma/Casilina  SPAZIO_R     
93.00   Radio Roma Capitale   Palombara Sabina/Monte Gennaro     RADIO___ ROMA____ CAPITALE    
93.20   Radio Zeta       Palombara Sabina/Monte Gennaro     __ZETA__      
93.20   Radio Quattro  Roma/Via del Mascherino RADIO_4_ QUATTRO_         
93.30   Radio Zeta       Cittá del Vaticano/Palazzina Leone XIII           __ZETA__      
93.50   Radio Mater-inBlu       Roma/Via Massimi       R.MATER_     
93.70   RAI Radio3      Roma/Monte Mario (RAI)        *Radio3_        
94.00   Radio Subasio Palombara Sabina/Monte Gennaro     SUBASIO_     
94.20   Virgin Radio     Albano Laziale/Via dei Cappuccini  _VIRGIN_
94.50   Radio Subasio Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     SUBASIO_     
94.80   Radio Maria     Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo vetta        R.MARIA_      
95.10   Radio Maria     Monte Compatri/Frazione Pratarena         R.MARIA_      
95.30   Radio Dimensione Musica       Frascati/Hotel Villa Tuscolana         _Radio__ _*_RDM_*  
95.50   Radio Capital   Monte Compatri/Frazione Pratarena         CAPITAL_      
95.80   Radio Capital   Castel San Pietro Romano/Campagnano        _CAPITAL
96.10   Radio 105        Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     __105___       
96.30   Radio inBlu      Cittá del Vaticano/Palazzina Leone XIII           …INBLU N_VERDE_ __800___ _371110_   
96.50   Radio 105        Roma/Monte Mario      __105___       
96.60   Radio L’Olgiata            Roma-Olgiata        OLGIATA_     
96.60   NSL Radio TV Roma/Via Luigi Maria Arconati __NSL___      
96.60   Radio 105        Roma/Via Magliano in Toscana     __105___       
96.80   RID 96.8          Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     RID_____       
97.00   m2o     Monte Compatri/Frazione Pratarena         _M_DUE_O    
97.20   Radio Kiss Kiss           Montecompatri/Frazione San Silvestro           KISSKISS        
97.50   Radio Italia SoloMusicaItaliana Frascati/Hotel Villa Tuscolana         R_ITALIA       
97.70   M100   Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     __M100__      
97.90   Radio Kiss Kiss           Frascati/Hotel Villa Tuscolana         KISSKISS       
98.10   Radiosei          Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     RADIOSEI      
98.40   RAI Radio3      Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo vetta (RAI)           *Radio3_        
98.70   Virgin Radio     Frascati/Hotel Villa Tuscolana         _VIRGIN_       
99.00   RTR 99           Rocca di Papa _RTR_99_     
99.20   Simply Radio   Albano Laziale/Via dei Cappuccini  *SIMPLY* *RADIO*_   
99.40   RAI GR Parlamento     Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo vetta (RAI)           RAI-GRPR      
99.60   Radio Globo    Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     _GLOBO__    
99.80   Radio IES        Rocca di Papa RadioYES        
100.00 R101   Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo vetta        __R101__      
100.30 Rai Radio3 Classica     Roma/Monte Mario (RAI)        RaiRadio Classica       
100.50 Radio Italia Anni 60     Monte Porzio Catone  R.ITALIA ANNI_60_   
100.70 Roma Radio     Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     __ROMA__ _RADIO__ 50191421    
101.00 Radio Deejay   Monte Compatri/Frazione Pratarena         _DEEJAY_     
101.30 Centro Suono  Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     _CENTRO_ _SUONO__        
101.50 Centro Suono Sport    Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo vetta        _CENTRO_ _SUONO__ _SPORT__
101.70 Radio Evangelo (Roma)          Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     _RADIO__ EVANGELO         
101.90 Dimensione Suono Roma       Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     DIM*ROMA    
102.10 Radiofreccia    Palombara Sabina/Monte Gennaro     _FRECCIA     
102.30 TRS The Radio Station           Palombara Sabina/Monte Gennaro     TRS102.3 SMS_339_ 8416395_ MUSICA_E PAROLE__ SENZA___ ORARIO_E BANDIERE
102.40 Radio Radicale Roma/Monte Mario      RADIO_*_ RADICALE
102.50 RTL 102.5       Roma/Via Luigi Maria Arconati RTL102.5       
102.70 RAM Power     Monte Compatri          RAMPOWER  
103.00 RDS     Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     *_RDS_*_       
103.30 Radio News  Frascati/Hotel Villa Tuscolana         __NEWS__    
103.50 RAI IsoRadio   Rocca di Papa (RAI)    ISORADIO RAI103.5  
103.70 Radio Subasio Calvi dell’Umbria/Monte San Pancrazio           SUBASIO_     
103.80 Radio Vaticana 105 Live          Cittá del Vaticano/Palazzina Leone XIII           RADIO___ VATICANA ITALIA__ WHATSAPP 335_____ 1243722_ 
104.00 Radio Crik Crok           Monte Compatri/Frazione Pratarena       
104.20 Retesport        Monte Compatri/Frazione Pratarena         __RETE__ __SPORT_          
104.50 Radio Radio     Palombara Sabina/Monte Gennaro     R-RADIO_      
104.80 Radio Voce della Speranza (Roma)    Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     RVS_____ Tel.06__ 3210200_ __www.__ rvsroma_ .it_____
105.00 Radio Vaticana 105 Live          Cittá del Vaticano/Palazzina Leone XIII           Radio___ Vaticana Italia__
105.30 Dimensione Suono Soft          Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     DIM*SOFT     
105.60 Radio Italia SoloMusicaItaliana Rocca di Papa R_ITALIA       
105.80 Radio Incontro Olympia           Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     INCONTRO    
106.10 RMC – Radio Monte Carlo       Frascati/Hotel Villa Tuscolana         __RMC___     
106.30 RMC – Radio Monte Carlo       Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     __RMC___     
106.60 Radio Rock      Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     __ROCK__     
106.90 Radio Mambo  Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     R-MAMBO_ EL_RITMO VIDA____   
107.10 Antenna Uno   Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     ANTENNA1    
107.40 Radio 105        Palombara Sabina/Monte Gennaro     __105___       
107.60 Radio L’Olgiata            Monte Compatri          OLGIATA_
107.70 Radio Radicale Rieti/Frazione Campoforogna (Monte Terminillo)       RADIO___ RADICALE           
107.90 Radio 24          Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     RADIO_24      

Guinea Bissau: Radio that wakes up the country is run by women only

Guinea Bissau: the radio that wakes up the country is run by women only
Guinea Bissau: Radio that wakes up the country is run by women only

For two years an all female broadcaster is shaking the tree in this West African country that – according to a UN report – is one of the fifteen less developed countries in the world. The radio station aims to raise awareness on gender equality, formally granted by the constitution, but very difficult to apply in a Muslim and patriarchal society that still uses genital mutilation on young women. Born in Bafata, thanks to the efforts of Periodistas Solidarios – a NGO from Seville (Spain), it operates with equipment donated by Radio Nacional de España and Canal Sur Radio (Regional government of Andalusia’s official radio station); now the project is supported by UN. It could be a coincidence, but within a year the main broadcaster of the city (RCB, Radio Comunitaria de Bafata, 105.5 MHz) hired three women: previously the transmissions were all hosted by men. Radio broadcasting isn’t easy in Guinea Bissau, not only for social and political reasons: electricity is only supplied for a couple of hours during the night, so it’s necessary relying on photovoltaic panels or generators.

RUSSIA: Radio stations say no to reducing power

According to the ministry, a radio station could cut costs by 25% if they reduce power and turn off transmitters at night

Due to the Covid-19 crisis the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation offered radio and television broadcasters the opportunity to reduce the power of their transmitters and to turn them off at night (from 24.00 to 6.00) in order to save energy. This measure is in place from 24th April to 31st December, 2020. However, very few radio stations have taken this up. They are afraid that reducing power and coverage area could cause a drop in the numbers of listeners and commercials. Advertising is already going very badly. Advertising spots have dropped by 70% and 80% in many areas of the country and the ministry believes that broadcasters’ budgets will be more than halved this year (their revenues will be down by about 8 billion rubles)

Subsidies and cuts to rent and royalties

This article on the website, RadioPortal, goes into depth on the subject and includes statements from radio editors from some large media holdings

In order to compensate for financial losses, radio stations are asking for funding as well as a lowering of RTRS fees (Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network, the company that manages transmitters), which are considered two or three times higher than those of private companies. They would also appreciate a respite with a lowering of royalties for music rights. The Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, Alexey Volin, declared that their request for subsidies was unrealistic and stated that the measures currently in place were sufficient. However, he was more open on the subject of lowering royalties which he declared was a more reasonable request.

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Venezuela: Radio stations self-censor to avoid closure

connate, gobierno bolivariano de Venezuela - Venezuelan government body
The website of Conatel, the Venezuelan government body that ‘monitors’ the broadcasters

President Nicolas Maduro’s regime holds broadcasters in check by imposing sanctions or closures. Hence journalists are self-censoring to avoid trouble. The radio stations are kept a check on by Conatel (Comision Nacional de Telecomunicaciones), the Venezuelan telecommunications regulator, which is very quick to revoke broadcast licenses of ‘rogue’ radio stations. They closed over 60 broadcasters in 2018. The Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores del Prensa has reported that another 27 radio stations have suffered loss of equipment due to theft.

Rumbera has relocated to the Internet

rumba network, venezuela valles del tuy online radio station
Rumbera Network from Los Valles del Tuy’s website
After the radio station’s closure they continue with online transmissions

The latest broadcaster to end up in the sights of the inspectors is a radio station of Rumbera Network (one of 21 stations) that transmitted on 106.9 FM from Los Valles del Tuy, in the state of Miranda. In February 2020 their antenna was damaged and then on May 15th, 2020 Conatel closed them down because their broadcasting license had expired. This was a decision that the owner, Eliu Ramos, deemed discriminatory because a large number of radio stations transmitting in the country have not been authorised and are not sanctioned. He added that he had applied for a renewal of the license several times, but the application had always been declined. Transmissions now continue on the Internet.

To find out more 

Día de la radio en venezuela: radio day in venezuela existing since 1926
The subject of journalists’ self-censorship is tackled on the Carabobeña website

The Venezuelan periodical, El Carabobeño gives more details on the situation of broadcasters here. It was published on May 20th, 2020, on the occasion of National Radio Day which was established in 1926 when the country began radio transmissions on mediumwave. FM transmissions, on the other hand, began on January 1st, 1975.

The Covid-19 bill

Cuts for five major broadcasters in Europe are on their way. While in Italy some radio stations are asking their listeners for help.

Austria: ORF is cutting outgoings

APA News reporting on Horizont about Austria's ORF planned cost cutting due to Covid-19
APA News reporting on Horizont about Austrians ORF’s planned cost cuttings

The director general of ORF, Alexander Wrabetz, has announced cuts of € 75 million are to be made by the end of 2021. These will be implemented in all areas in the company, from equipment to the cost of personnel. This year the broadcasting station is predicting losses that go from a minimum of € 28.6 million to up to € 54 million, should the worst scenario play out. The budgets allocated for major events will not be touched (€ 40 million for the rights of the European Football Championship and the Olympics). This is also the case for other investments which include digitalisation. Click here for more details from the article on Horizont.

France: Cost cutting plans for the public radio causes controversy

Radio France cutting costs for radio broadcasting due to the Coronavirus pandemic
Report on Le

Cuts in the budget had already been decided on in 2018, in a period long before the present crisis. The Government had demanded a reduction of € 190 million in funds to public broadcasters (by 2022). € 20 million of spending cuts were destined for Radio France and in 2019 the CEO Sibyle Veil had prepared a plan that involved cutting 250 jobs. This provoked the longest strike in the history of public radio. The strike lasted 63 days (in total) during the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020. The trade unions consider the cuts unjustified and after a period of truce due to the Covid-19 crisis, the unrest could restart. 

Germany: NDR raises the crossbar by € 60 million

NDR, Norddeutscher Rundfunk, cutting costs due to coronavirus.
NDR logo located in Osnabrück

The German broadcasting company Norddeutscher Rundfunk, NDR, wants to cut € 60 million more than the € 240 million that had been already decided on for the next four years.
The director, Joachim Knuth, is not going to reduce personnel but will not be employing new staff for 200 vacant positions. Furthermore, programmes and a series of events will be cancelled. Among those to go are crime series, entertainment and game shows on TV. Click here for more details from the article on Der Spiegel.

Italy: Onda d’Urto is banking on subscriptions

Radio Onda d'Urto has launched a campaign for subscriptions to compensate for the missing revenues
‘Take care of the black cat’

Radio Onda d’Urto in Brescia has launched a campaign for subscriptions to compensate for the missing revenues caused by the probable cancellation of the Festival of Radio Onda. The event, that is to be held in August, is the main source of finance for the broadcaster and even if it is not cancelled, it will be much smaller.

United Kingdom: £ 125 million have gone ‘missing’ at the BBC

BBC needs to make 125 million pound sterling savings this year due to the coronavirus crisis
BBC TV studio

The coffers of the public broadcasting station, BBC, are down £ 75 million due to
a delay: Listeners over seventy five were due to pay TV fees from June 1st, 2020, but this has been postponed to August 1st, 2020. This amount rises further because of losses caused by a drop in advertising and the postponement of a plan to reduce the workforce by cutting 450 jobs. According to the director general, Tony Hall, the cuts need to total £ 125 million. Upper management salaries will be frozen until August 2021 and a freeze will be put on all recruitment that is not indispensable. Other TV stations are not doing any better. ITV, free-to-air, has made a cut of £ 100 million to their budget and Channel 4 (a public broadcaster) has made a cut of £ 150 million. Further details can be found here.

Spain: SER cuts cost of personnel

the Spanish network, Cadena SER, is reducing cost of labour. Article from inertia, el espanol.
Cadena SER radio studio in Madrid

Spains main network, Cadena SER, owned by the Prisa group (they own the daily newspaper El Pais and have business interests in 24 countries) is reducing the cost of labour. Of the personnel employed by the radio, 256 workers have been laid off until July 12th, 2020, (on unemployment benefit) while another 924 have a salary reduction of 10% until December 31st, 2020. Cadena Ser has 202 stations and the Prisa group also owns Cadena 100 and Los 40 Principales.
Click here for details in the article of El Español.

Snapshots of radio broadcasting during the crisis

Everything will fade into past memories, but it is worth seeing some of the photographs taken in these last few months again. They include announcers and journalists broadcasting live from home, and courses for listeners on how to make their own radio programmes. It is also worth mentioning the vade mecums that have appeared in online magazines and on the websites of various associations. Their advice goes from how to choose equipment and software for a home studio to the procedures needed to protect radio station studios from contagion. There are even broadcasters that have put their studio disinfection procedures on show or have used their facemasks for self-promotion.

Radio stations broadcasting live from home

StuBru, Flemish speaking public radio station from Brussels in Belgium, broadcasting from home
Stu Bru, studio at home

Belgium:  While a lot of broadcasters, in spite of homely backgrounds, are narrowing the field of view with close-ups to give a professional touch, with the photographs of VRT Studio Brussel, a Flemish speaking public radio station, your eye tends to be drawn to the furnishings which reflect the personality of the announcer and goes from the large philodendron in the foreground to the bookcase on the right, and the door opening onto another room, making you wonder where it goes to. 

Radio 3 Modo, Italy broadcasting from home with a cat as their helper
Radio3 Mondo, studio at home

Italy: When Roberto Zicchitella was conducting Radio3 Mondo live from his flat, his curious cat leapt onto his desk to sniff his tablet. The international news programme is on air on the public radio station, Rai Radio 3.

Spain:  The SER network teaching listeners how to make a radio programme

Cadena SER, Spain, initiative about turadio, teaching workshops for listeners how to make their own programme
#turadio, a new initiative from SER in Spain

The journalist, Pedro Blanco of Cadena Ser (a network of 202 radio stations we have  spoken about in a previous article) on air with a radio workshop teaching listeners how to make their own programmes to then send to the radio station.

Canada:  How to go on air from a distance

ARC du Canada, explaining how to work from home as a radio station
ARC explaining how radio stations can work from home

ARC, a Canadian alliance of community radio stations, explains how to equip yourself to produce your own show from home without excessive costs.  They suggest a selection of hardware and software, some free of charge.

An antivirus guide for radio stations

Inside Radio, 12 tips for creating a safer radio studio in a coronavirus reality
A guide for a safer radio station, Inside Radio

This guide in the American magazine ‘Inside Radio’ lists 12 things to do in order to prevent contagion in radio stations.

And in Italy?

Radio millenium, Milan, Italy disinfecting the studio
Cleaning session in Radio Millennium’s studio, Italy

After disinfecting the Milan studios of Radio Millennium, the ‘ghostbusters’ pose for a photograph.

Instagram photo from radio rock, Rome, Italy
Radio Rock created their own face mask design

Radio Rock ‘designer’ masks:
Back in the golden years of free radio, listeners used to stick adhesives of their favourite radio stations onto their cars. Today the Roman station, Radio Rock, has made face masks with their own logos on them. Will this become a fashion with other stations?

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