One of the information boards near the tunnel invites users to stay tuned to broadcasters while in transit

We drove through the Mont Blanc tunnel in both directions to check what stations are being received: on the Italian website of TMB, the company that operates the tunnel, the list is not available, while on the French version it was removed a few months ago. There are 12 frequencies, two of which are reserved for info traffic channels (Autoroute Info and RAI Isoradio) and ten for public and private broadcasters in the two countries. France prevails, with three public networks (France Inter, France Musique, and the regional France Bleu Savoie) and three from the main commercial networks (Europe 1, Fun Radio, NRJ). The Italians, on the other hand, number four: one public network (RAI Radio2), two private networks (Radio 105 and RMC – Radio Monte Carlo), and the Piedmont regional station GRP (Giornale Radio Piemonte).

All frequencies

The page on the French site that listed the receivable stations also listed RAI Radio1 on 89.3

Here is the list sorted by frequency of the stations that can be received by driving through the Mont Blanc Tunnel. Compared to what was indicated on the website, which divided them equally (5 and 5 between the two nations) there are now six French radio stations. There is no longer a trace of Rai Radio1 on 89.3.
88.7 RMC – Radio Monte Carlo (Italia)
89.6 NRJ
91.0 France Inter
91.9 RAI Radio2
94.7 France Musique
99.0 105
100.0 Fun Radio
103.3 Isoradio Rai
103.6 France Bleu Savoie
104.4 Europe 1
107.7 Autoroute Info

Every six minutes an emergency message

The control room of the Mont Blanc tunnel

On the Italy side approach route and inside the tunnel, one can listen to RAI’s commercial-free public service channel Isoradio 103.3, with traffic information and live links to CCISS Viaggiare Informati and Autostrade per l’Italia’s Multimedia Center. On the French side and inside the tunnel, traffic news is broadcast by Infotrafic 107.7. During transit, drivers are asked to stay tuned to FM frequencies because a reminder message in three languages (Italian, French, and English) about compliance with the main traffic rules in the tunnel is aired every 6 minutes on all channels. For security reasons, information about behavior in the case of an event or emergency is broadcast.


The report does not, however, analyze listening habits, although according to RadioWereld.NL, the public devotes only 47% of its time to FM (data from August-September 2022)

In anticipation of the renewal of FM licenses, the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (EZK) has updated a 2017 study on switch-off scenarios between 2027 and 2032, confirming that the deadline is still realistic. Reduced mobile internet tariffs and the rise of smart speakers would favor an early switch-off, as would soaring energy costs and the fact that the use of radio is becoming less and less relevant in natural disasters and for traffic data disseminated by TMC. However, concerns remain about the still sub-optimal coverage of DAB+, particularly indoors, and the fact that in-car listening is 60% FM, despite the fact that new cars have been equipped with a digital receiver since the end of 2020.
(Written by Fabrizio Carnevalini)


Our journey into the world’s urban radio landscapes continues with Lyon, France’s second-largest city by population considering the metropolitan area. Frequency modulation is equally divided between local and national stations. Considering frequencies, however, the networks lead the way as they have more than twice as many (48 vs. 23) and three public networks (France Inter, France Culture, and France Musique) have as many as four channels.

Concernent la France, nous poursuivons notre voyage à travers les paysages radiophoniques du monde, afin de nous imprégner de l’esprit des stations qui peuplent les ondes des grandes métropoles

Le lion, animal symbole de la ville et du dieu celte du soleil, est très présent dans la ville. C’est l’un de ceux qui ornent la basilique Notre-Dame de Fourvière

Lyon a une scène radiophonique riche de stations locales, contrairement, par exemple, à Paris, où de nombreux stations à succès se sont transformées en réseaux nationaux, affaiblissant le lien avec le territoire. La FM est répartie de manière égale entre les stations locales et nationales. En ce qui concerne les fréquences, les réseaux sont en tête puisqu’ils en ont plus du double (48 contre 23) et trois réseaux publics ont quatre (France Inter, France Culture et France Musique).

Une ville snobée par les réseaux publics?

Sur le site internet de France Bleu, vous pouvez choisir la page locale à ouvrir, parmi les 44 antennes départementales/régionales

Malgré l’importance de la ville, le radiodiffuseur public régional France Bleu ne dispose pas d’une station d’information locale à Lyon, malgré un réseau de 44 radios de proximité. Pourtant, l’histoire radiophonique Lyonnaise est riche : la première station a commencé à émettre le 1er avril 1925 sous le nom de Radio-Lyon, à l’initiative d’une société privée, quatre ans après celle de Paris (née le 22 décembre 1921). Ce qui est absurde, c’est queantennes locales destinées aux départements voisins, comme France Bleu Isère (sur deux fréquences) et France Bleu Pays de Savoie, sont reçues dans la ville.

La ville divisée par les stations autoroutières

Créé en 1991, Autoroute Info émet sur les autoroutes des réseaux APRR, AREA, ATMB, SFTRF, Adelac et la voie rapide de Grenoble 

La situation est également curieuse en bas de la bande, sur le 107.7, la fréquence réservée aux stations autoroutières émettant en isofréquence. Il y a deux stations, qui se disputent l’audience : à l’est de la ville, c’est le programme d’Autoroute Info qui est reçu, tandis qu’à l’ouest, c’est le signal de Radio Vinci Autoroutes qui domine.

Radio Vinci Autoroutes est née en 2011 de la fusion d’Autoroute FM et de Radio Trafic FM, stations créées par les sociétés d’autoroutes Cofiroute, Autoroutes du Sud de la France (ASF) et ESCOTA

Il est vrai qu’il s’agit de deux stations commerciales, donc dans ce cas l’incohérence n’est pas la faute du domaine public, mais peut-être y aurait-il eu moins de dépenses de ressources si deux stations concurrentes n’avaient pas eu à couvrir la même zone.
Voici un bref profil des radiodiffuseurs locaux

Le plus important réseau de radios communautaires

Lyon a cependant un record : la ville abrite RCF Radio Chrétienne Francophone, le premier réseau de radios communautaires de France. Fondée à Lyon en 1982 sous le nom de Radio Fourvière, elle est devenue au fil des ans un important réseau national composé de stations locales qui conservent leur autonomie. Elle compte aujourd’hui 63 radios locales, avec un total de 270 fréquences, et emploie 300 salariés et 3 000 bénévoles, dont 180 en Belgique. Les stations diffusent chaque jour quatre heures de programmes locaux : il y a des émissions religieuses mais aussi beaucoup d’émissions destinées au grand public.

Ce que l’on entend dans la ville

Voici un aperçu de ce que vous pouvez recevoir à Lyon. La liste est réalisée avec FMSCAN (www.fmscan.org), une application basée sur FMLIST qui permet de créer une carte des signaux de n’importe quel endroit dans le monde. Nous avons les stations qui sont reçues avec un signal d’au moins 50dB. Pour chaque station, la fréquence, le nom et l’e répét’émetteur (numéro de département entre parenthèses) sont indiqués, ainsi que le RDS.

87.8       Mouv’  Lyon/Basilique (69)        MOUV’
88.1       Radio Espérance             Vienne/le Grisard [69] (38)         ESPERANC
88.4       RCF (Lyon)          Lyon/Basilique (69)        RCF 69
88.4       RCF (Lyon)          Lyon/Tunnel de la Croix-Rousse (69)     RCF 69
88.8       France Culture Lyon/Mont Pilat (42)     CULTURE
89.3       Virage Radio (Lyon)       Lyon/Fourvière (69)       VIRAGE
89.8       Radio Nova (Lyon)          Lyon/Basilique (69)        NOVA
90.2       Lyon 1ère           Lyon/Rillieux-la-Pape (69)           LYON1ERE
90.5       France Culture Chambéry/Mont du Chat TDF (73)          CULTURE
90.7       Radio Brume     Lyon/Rue Sœur-Bouvier (69)     BRUME
91.1       Radio Salam      Lyon/Fourvière (69)       R-SALAM
91.5       Radio Pluriel     Lyon 1er (69)     PLURIEL
91.7       Radio Nova        Saint-Etienne/le Guizay (42)      NOVA
92           Radio Scoop (Lyon)        Lyon/Mont Cindre 2 (69)             SCOOP
92           Radio Scoop (Lyon)        Lyon/Tunnel de la Croix-Rousse (69)     SCOOP
92.4       France Musique              Lyon/Mont Pilat (42)     MUSIQUE
92.9       Nostalgie (Lyon)             Lyon/Mont Cindre 2 (69)             NOSTALGI
92.9       Nostalgie (Lyon)             Lyon/Tunnel de la Croix-Rousse (69)     NOSTALGI
93.1       Nostalgie            Saint-Etienne/le Guizay (42)      NOSTALGI
93.3       Fun Radio           Lyon/Fourvière (69)       FUN
93.3       Fun Radio           Lyon/Tunnel de la Croix-Rousse (69)     FUN
93.5       France Inter       Chambéry/Mont du Chat TDF (73)          INTER
93.7       M Radio (Lyon) Lyon/Fourvière (69)       M RADIO
94.1       France Culture Lyon/Basilique (69)        CULTURE
94.2       France Culture Ancy (l’Arbresle)/Mont Arjoux (69)        CULTURE
94.5       Radio Judaïca Lyon         Lyon/Fourvière (69)       JUDAICA
94.9       Rire et Chansons             Lyon/Basilique (69)        RIRE &
94.9       Rire et Chansons             Lyon/Tunnel de la Croix-Rousse (69)     RIRE &
95.1       Radio Classique               Saint-Etienne/Croix du Guizay TDF (42)                CLASSIQ
95.3       BFM Business   Lyon/Mont Cindre (69) BFM
95.7       RTL 2     Lyon/Fourvière (69)       RTL2
95.7       RTL 2     Lyon/Tunnel de la Croix-Rousse (69)     RTL2
96.1       Skyrock                Lyon/Basilique (69)        SKYROCK
96.1       Skyrock                Lyon/Tunnel de la Croix-Rousse (69)     SKYROCK
96.5       Radio Classique               Lyon/Fourvière (69)       CLASSIQ
96.9       Radio Espace     Lyon/Fourvière (69)       ESPACE
97.3       Jazz Radio           Lyon/Fourvière (69)       J A Z Z
97.6       FC Radio (Pays d’Ain)    Ambérieu/Mont Luisandre (01)               FC RADIO
98           France Musique              Lyon/Basilique (69)        MUSIQUE
98.4       Tonic Radio (Lyon)         Lyon/Fourvière (69)       TONIC
98.6       France Musique              Chambéry/Mont du Chat TDF (73)          MUSIQUE
98.9       Chérie FM (Lyon)            Lyon/Basilique (69)        CHERIEFM
99.1       France Bleu Isère            Chambéry/Mont du Chat TDF (73)          BLEU.ISE
99.3       Radio Capsao (Lyon)      Lyon/Basilique (69)        CAPSAO
99.8       France Inter       Lyon/Mont Pilat (42)     INTER
100.3    Virgin Radio (Lyon)        Lyon/Fourvière (69)       VIRGIN
(deviendra Europe 2 le 1er Janvier 2023)
100.7    Sol FM  Lyon/fort de Côte-Lorette (69) SOL FM
101.1     France Inter       Lyon/Basilique (69)        INTER
101.5     Générations (Lyon)       Lyon/Fourvière (69)       GENE
101.8     France Bleu Isère            Lyon/Mont Pilat (42)     BLEU.ISE
102.2     Radio Canut       Lyon/Fourvière (69)       CANUT
102.6     Radio Arménie Lyon/Fourvière (69)       ARMENIE
102.8     NRJ (Loire)         Saint-Etienne/le Guizay (42)      NRJ
103         NRJ (Lyon)          Lyon/Mont Cindre 2 (69)             NRJ
103.4     France Info        Lyon/Mont Pilat (42)     INFO
103.8     France Inter       Ancy (l’Arbresle)/Mont Arjoux (69)        INTER
103.9     France Bleu Pays de Savoie       Chambéry/Mont du Chat TDF (73)          BLEU.SAV
104.2     RMC      Lyon/Fourvière (69)       RMC
104.2     RMC      Lyon/Tunnel de la Croix-Rousse (69)     RMC
104.6     Europe 1             Lyon/Fourvière (69)       EUROPE 1
104.6     Europe 1             Lyon/Tunnel de la Croix-Rousse (69)     EUROPE 1
105         RTL         Lyon/Fourvière (69)       RTL
105         RTL         Lyon/Tunnel de la Croix-Rousse (69)     RTL
105.4     France Info        Lyon/Basilique (69)        INFO
105.8     Vivre FM             Lyon/Villeurbanne (69) VIVRE FM
106         France Musique              Ancy (l’Arbresle)/Mont Arjoux (69)        MUSIQUE
106.3     Impact FM          Lyon/Basilique (69)        IMPACT
106.5     Skyrock                Saint-Etienne/Croix du Guizay TDF (42)                SKYROCK
106.7     Radio Orient     Lyon/Fourvière (69)       ORIENT
107.3     RFM (Lyon)        Lyon/Fourvière (69)       RFM
107.7     Radio Vinci Autoroutes               Lyon/Montée de Choulans (69)               r 107.7
107.7     Radio Vinci Autoroutes               Pierre-Bénite/Échangeur (69)   r 107.7
107.7     Autoroute Info Saint-Priest/Aire de Manissieux (69)     AUTOROUT

Le centre de diffusion de Radio France au Mont Pilat, au Crêt de l’Œillon, (1364 mètres d’altitude). Actif depuis 1955, il dispose d’une antenne de 80 mètres
Source: Photo par Daniel Culsan sous la licence Creative Commons 3.0

La plupart des signaux proviennent de l’agglomération, mais il existe aussi des installations très puissantes comme Lyon-Mont Pilat, un émetteur important et très puissant (158 kW) qui couvre toute la région lyonnaise et d’autres départements, Fourvière améliore considérablement la réception des stations du service public dans certaines zones de Lyon, où le Mont Pilat est mal reçu (comme dans le quartier de Bellecour, dans le deuxième arrondissement de Lyon).

Aperçu des principales stations de radio locales

L’image du Père Noël qui se détache sur le site, avec son graphisme bien conçu, invite à participer au concours. Le reste est consacré aux programmes, podcasts d’actualité et on peut écouter les derniers titres diffusés

Lyon 1ère 90.2: est basée dans la ville et diffuse de la musique Oldies (classiques) et des Hits actuels, ainsi que nombreuses informations locales concernant le Grand Lyon et quelques émissions thématiques. C’est une importante station commerciale qui fait partie du réseau Les Indes Radio, groupe créé en 1992 et composé de 125 radios locales en France.

Un graphisme agréable, regroupant toutes les sections principales du site dans une agréable mosaïque de photos et de lettres. La radio universitaire affirme “explorer la diversité artistique depuis plus de trente ans”

Radio Brume 90.7 – C’est la Radio Campus de Lyon. Son programme est principalement musical, agrémenté de titres méconnus, non diffusés sur les radios commerciales. Musique alternative, Rock, électronique… il y en a pour tous les goûts. On y retrouve également des émissions culturelles, majoritairement à destination des étudiants de l’aire urbaine de Lyon.

La page Facebok de Radio Salam (le site web est en train de subir une refonte graphique)

Radio Salam 91.1 est une station associative, dédiée à la communauté arabe musulmane de Lyon. Créée en 1991 à Lyon et en 2011 à Bourg-en-Bresse, elle diffuse des programmes en Arabe et en Français, et relaie les bulletins d’informations de Radio Monte Carlo Doualiya et RFI Radio France Internationale.

Avec un graphisme essentiel, le site de Radio Pluriel accueille le visiteur avec une liste de programmes, mais aussi des sections d’actualités, des podcasts et les profils des présentateurs, avec des informations et des liens vers leurs réseaux sociaux

Radio Pluriel 91.5 – Une station qui porte bien son slogan : “Numéro 1 sur la diversité”. Elle diffuse des émissions thématiques dédiées à des communautés multiples : Italienne, Portugaise, Berbère, Malgache… Elle relaie les bulletins d’informations de RFI Radio France Internationale, ainsi que des bulletins d’informations locales. La programmation musicale est variée : Hits actuels et Oldies (Classiques).

La page d’accueil propose des podcasts des dernières émissions : actualités, revues de presse, programmes culturels (avec des sections cinéma, littérature et spectacle) et à la Torah

Radio Judaïca 94.5 – Une station dédiée à la communauté Juive de Lyon. Elle propose une programmation musicale variée, agrémentée de musiques israéliennes, des émissions thématiques.

L’esprit commercial de la station met l’accent sur les concours, les webradios, les hits, mais en faisant défiler la page on découvre que les trois quarts de l’espace sont réservés aux nouvelles et aux informations concernant la ville

Radio Espace 96.9 – La Plus Lyon des Radios ! comme l’affirme le slogan, est une station commerciale proposant une programmation musicale majoritairement axée sur les Hits actuels. Elle détient 4 fréquences FM dans le département du Rhône. Elle diffuse aussi des informations locales et départementales.

Dès que vous entrez sur le site, vous êtes invité à choisir l’un des neuf emplacements de la station. Chaque emplacement a sa propre page avec des graphiques coordonnés et des nouvelles locales

Tonic Radio 98.4 – Station commerciale. Anciennement connue sous le nom de Hit & Sport, elle diffuse des retransmissions sportives et de la musique type Top 40. Tonic Radio commence à devenir une station intra-régionale grâce au DAB+. On la retrouve par exemple à Marseille et Avignon (en dehors de la région Rhône-Alpes donc).

On est accueilli par le calendrier des événements et des festivités sur fond de musique latine et par la playlist des chansons diffusées dans la dernière demi-heure

Capsao 99.3 – C’est une station associative Lyonnaise, axée sur la musique Latine depuis de nombreuses années. Elle est désormais bien présente hors région Rhône-Alpes grâce au DAB+. On peut la retrouver à Paris, à Lille et à Nice par exemple…

ILe site présente de beaux graphismes, mais n’est pas à jour : les événements les plus récents datent de mai 2022. Mais la page Facebook est mise à jour quotidiennement

SOL FM 100.7 – Station associative, membre de la Ferarock (Fédération de radios associatives de découvertes musicales). Elle propose une programmation musicale très variée, allant du Rock/Metal au Jazz, en passant par la musique électronique, et même parfois par les musiques du monde. En plus de sa programmation musicale, SOL FM diffuse des émissions locales, culturelles, et des émissions musicales thématiques.

Simple, mais avec un graphisme non conventionnel : le site est un peu rebelle. Mais il est bien réalisé, car tout est concentré sur la page d’accueil : de la grille des programmes aux podcasts, en passant par les événements 

Radio Canut 102.2 – Une station associative, de tendance “anarchiste/libertaire“: son slogan est “La plus rebelle des radios”. La programmation musicale est variée. Ses studios sont situés dans le quartier de la Croix-Rousse (4e arrondissement de Lyon).

Avec un graphisme simple, c’est un site qui se concentre sur les initiatives culturelles et les entretiens sur l’histoire du peuple arménien et de la diaspora. Un espace est également dédié aux affaires courantes et à la géopolitique 

Radio Arménie 102.6 – Station associative à destination de la Diaspora Arménienne. Elle est également diffusée à Vienne (Isère) sur 106.1.

Des graphismes contraignants accueillent le visiteur avec des flashs d’interviews d’invités célèbres dans le studio (après tout, la station de radio est basée à Paris), mais le reste est riche en actualités et en podcasts des principaux programmes

Vivre FM 105.8 – C’est une station associative basée à Paris, spécialisée dans le handicap et les différences. Elle propose de nombreuses émissions dédiées à tous les types de handicap. Elle est diffusée à Lyon depuis le 15 Décembre 2021, c’est sa seule et unique diffusion FM hors de Paris.

Une information de dernière minute fait état de la participation de la chanteuse, compositrice et pianiste belge Angèle Joséphine Aimée Van Laekenm à l’édition 2023 du festival Woodstower, organisé près de la ville. Mais tout le reste de la page est consacré aux actualités avec une section sportive.

Impact FM 106.3 – Station commerciale, reprise par Radio Scoop (radio intra-régionale très connue) il y a quelques années. Sa programmation musicale est axée sur les classiques et les chansons françaises.

Il y a également des stations nationales qui sont autorisées à diffuser des émissions et des publicités locales (décrochages locaux) : Radio Nova, Nostalgie, M Radio, Chérie FM, Virgin Radio, Générations, NRJ, et RFM.

(Written by Lucas Gallone and Fabrizio Carnevalini)


El Carabobeno’s article takes its cue from a tweet by Espacio Publico, an organization fighting for press freedom

The census of Venezuelan stations closed in the last three months continues. On 14 September 2022, Conatel officials targeted radio stations in Cumaná, in the state of Sucre, where five stations were silenced. The stations are: 89.7 Radio Boom; 95.1 Mágica FM; 100.9 Café FM “Con aroma de café!”; 101.3 Cool FM “La emisora entretenida”; 102.1 NVH Radio. But there is also a tweet from the SNTP journalists’ union, the primary source of information on the closures, where it turns out that another radio station, switched off on the same day, has to be added to these. It is 107.9 Centeno FM.
20 September 2022: three stations in Cabimas, in the state of Zulia, are targeted: 92.7 Éxitosa FM; 93.5 Suprema FM (Christian station); 98.5 Jerusalén Stereo FM.

October is no different

The tweet of the National Union of Press Workers with the news of the closures

3 October 2022. Conatel forced 107.7 Sonora to take off air the opinion programme ‘Frente al Paredón‘, a radio station with 42 years of consecutive broadcasts, by journalist Moisés Reyes. In Yaracuy, three more stations closed in early October: 102.9 Luz, 90.3 Oasis and El Trocadero, and Cuarto Angel 106.3.

The closures in Cabimas announced by Espacio Público (Espacio Público aims to promote and defend human rights, in particular, freedom of expression)

On the same day, Conatel started a document review process for the station Super 101.5 FM, based in Ocumare del Tuy, Miranda state. Three days later the station decided to switch off to avoid sanctions. Their lawyer, José Luis Azuaje, pointed out that the station had complied with all Conatel’s requirements, but had been waiting for an answer on its concession for at least seven years.

SNTP’s tweet announcing that Conatel closed two radio stations on 14 October because the concession would expire

14 October: 105.3 FM and 91.5 Play Top, both from the Unión Radio circuit in Valencia, in the state of Carabobo. In Yaracuy FM 106.3 in Nazareth, in the municipality of Nirgua.
18 October: Bahía 102.5 FM, in Cumaná, in Sucre.
19 October: Sur del Lago Stereos 91.9, Somos 95.5 and Gustosa 98.7.
20 October: 88.3 Fantástica, 99.9 Piragua and 102.9 Zulianísima. They operated in the municipality of Colón, Santa Bárbara de Zulia.
21 October: Catholic radio station Radio Paz 103.1 FM, which belonged to the diocesan curia (in the state of Portuguesa, centre of the country).

Twitter news about the eight closures for ‘expired concession’ posted the next day by the SNTP union

22 October: Villa 103.5 FM, a community station in the municipality of Gómez, in the state of Nueva Esparta, that has been operating for some 15 years.
On the same day, eight radio stations were closed in Rubio, Junín municipality, Táchira state, on orders from Conatel, on the grounds that they were not authorized:
88.3 Somos
89.9 La Nuestra
90.3 Café
92.5 Pontálida
93.1 Activación Stereo
95.7 Explosión Stereo
98.1 Esperanza Viva
102.3 Ángel

It is not easy to follow the situation even for the union, which after announcing the closure of Radio Paz on 21 October, gave further confirmation on 27 October

Six radio stations were closed on 27 October 2022 in Coro, Falcón State. In a phone call to administrators, Conatel ordered the removal of Falconiana 102.7, Corianísima 90.1, Top 97.1, Guadalupana 105.1, Fiesta 106.5, and Metrópolis 88.1.
28 October: Éxitos 99.1 FM in Valencia in the state of Carabobo. It also ordered the closure of Platinium 88.1 FM, Innovación Panamericana Stereo 98.3 FM, and Alegría 104.9 FM, in the Panamericano municipality of Táchira state. Three radio stations were closed in Ciudad Ojeda on Conatel’s instructions: Melódica 92.3 FM (one year on the air), Mágica 93.3 FM (15 years on the air), and Ke Buena 101.1 FM (6 years on the air).

SNTP flash warning of a flurry of closures in Colima

Between 20 and 27 October, eight radio stations were closed in Colina municipality, Falcón state:
91.3 Beraka
92.7 Occidente
93.9 Fredmedical
95.9 Precursora
96.9 Carubarigua
97.6 Misionera
99.1 Centinela

105.5 Tricolor

30 October 202: closed Emisora Cultural de Coro 97.5 FM (25 years on air).
(Written by Fabrizio Carnevalini)


The Voice of America is based in Washington. Classical-style building with Egyptian elements built in 1940 and named in 1988 after Wilbur Joseph Cohen, former Minister of Health and Education

New Taliban crackdown after the March 2022 clampdown on foreign TV stations: BBC News, Voice of America, Deutsche Welle, and CGTN (China Global Television Network). Since 1 December 2022, the broadcasts of Radio Ashna (the local version of the Voice of America) and Azadi Radio (produced by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty) have been banned. On 30 November 2022, the Taliban Ministry of Information and Culture stated that it had received complaints about the content of the programmes, but without giving details. VOA protested that a multi-year contract with the Taliban for the use of FM and mediumwave transmitters had been broken. However, the two radios, financed by the US government, continue to be receivable in the country on medium wave (972 kHz from Tajikistan) and short wave, the TV is receivable on the satellite channel Yahsat 469, and can also be received via digital platforms on the internet.
(Written by Fabrizio Carnevalini)


The illustration in the Radio World article shows a car standing on a platform that transfers power to batteries by induction without using the classic cable
The illustration in the Radio World article shows a car standing on a platform that transfers power to batteries by induction without using the classic cable

Interference on the medium waves generated by battery-powered cars has prompted several manufacturers (Audi, BMW, Mini, Tesla, and Volkswagen) to eliminate the AM tuner in their battery-powered models (we’ve already discussed it here). But new radio disturbances are on the horizon on which it would be difficult to act. Raising the alarm is the ITU (International Telecommunication Union): induction charging systems generate harmonic frequencies between 500 and 700 kHz that cannot be eliminated by shielding because they are picked up by the antenna. In theory, U.S. law prohibits interfering with licensed stations, so if electric cars disrupt broadcasters, it is up to manufacturers to comply. Technically, however, it is not easy, and since the electric market moves huge interest (by 2030 in the U.S., one out of every two new cars should be electric) the game is wide open.

Heavy interference, but there may be a solution

The "Arena of the Future" circuit, built in Italy by the A35 Brebemi highway in cooperation with Stellantis and other partners to test Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer (DWPT) technology on the Fiat 500
The “Arena of the Future” circuit, built in Italy by the A35 Brebemi highway in cooperation with Stellantis and other partners to test Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer (DWPT) technology on the Fiat 500

Induction charging is convenient because it avoids the use of a cable. But the high powers involved (10 kW for a car, 100 kW for a public service bus) producerobustphantom signals. There is also DWPT, based on the same technology, which is used to extend the range of cars (now limited to a few hundred kilometers). It relies on coils placed under the asphalt that transfer energy directly to vehicles that do not have to stop at designated charging stations. What to do then? According to Xperi, stations could transmit digitally with the HD Radio system (for which the company owns the patent) because signal processing and error correction provide greater immunity to noise.
(Written by Fabrizio Carnevalini)


A mobile RAI vehicle conducting tests for digital radio reception in the tunnels

With the development of DAB comes the question of how to add services to an existing system. A study conducted in Italy in 2017 by the RAI-Radiotelevisione Italiana Research Centre, in anticipation of the development of digital radio, highlighted the criticalities of using the structures built to broadcast the channel over Isoradio traffic. It would be necessary to intervene on the device that mixes the signals before conveying them on the slit cable: a costly and complex operation. It was therefore suggested, in order to drastically reduce costs, to use the radio wave system by re-transmitting the signal from an antenna placed at one end of the tunnel, or, in longer tunnels, at both ends.

A leading country…

On the BPC website, you can find in-depth technical information on tunnel diffusion systems

Italy, due to its orography, is the second largest country in the world in terms of the number and length of tunnels, second only to China and followed by Japan, Norway, Switzerland, Austria and France. And it can count on world-leading companies in tunnelling, underground construction and transmission systems with a high level of integration such as those used in the Frejus (12.8 km) and Mont Blanc (11.6 km) international motorway tunnels. More than 30 channels are available in these tunnels for the services of Italy and France: fire brigade, border police, Carabinieri, Gendarmerie, medical emergency vehicles and FM broadcasting with RDS. The systems are managed by a control centre that can interrupt radio programmes to broadcast emergency messages.

…but Switzerland also has its leadership

On the website of SRG SSR, the company that runs Switzerland’s public radio and television service, you can find a list of the 193 road tunnels where you can listen to digital radio

Switzerland is well advanced on DAB. Network expansion has been going on since 2014: the country had given itself a ten-year horizon for the switchover to digital radio, which will take place at the end of 2024 when the analogue FM transmitters will be switched off. Currently, SSR network coverage for indoor reception is 98%, while for outdoor reception and car radios it even exceeds 99%. Today, therefore, Switzerland boasts the best DAB+ coverage in the world, with some 193 tunnels longer than 300 metres being illuminated by the signal already in 2018 with an investment of around CHF 30 million. The areas not covered are mainly located in peripheral regions, a problem that will be solved in the coming years.
(Writteb by Fabrizio Carnevalini)


The new station aims to provide good entertainment and raise awareness of Qatar’s history, traditions and heritage

After twelve years of preparations to organise the World Cup, with an expenditure estimated by Forbes at between USD 6.5 billion and USD 10 billion, a Spanish-language radio station is among the supporting initiatives. Hola Qatar Radio, which opened on 2 November 2022, broadcasts on 92.0 MHz from Doha, taking over from MBC FM in Arabic. Run by the Qatar Media Corporation, a public media organisation, it is aimed more at Spanish-speaking Qataris than at World Cup fans who come in droves to watch the matches. In fact, among the ten nations that have bought the most tickets (almost three million have been sold) are Mexico and Argentina.

More entertainment than sport

After monitoring the broadcasts of Hola Qatar Radio, the iProfesional journalist described the commentators as ‘bar sports’ level

The aim of the broadcaster is to introduce visitors to Qatari culture, Sheikh Abdulaziz bin Thani Al Thani, CEO of the Qatar Media Corporation, said at the press conference. According to the Argentinian website iProfesional, which monitored the broadcasts, there is a relaxed atmosphere but few, if any, of the presenters give the impression of being professionals or journalists. Scattered reports are given on match developments, but there are no radio commentaries or real-time information on the progress of the matches. The commentaries are not comparable to an in-depth sports analysis and there are no guest players in the studio. Here is the site’s in-depth analysis in which the Qatari media system’s broadcaster is mentioned as well. And Hola Quatar Radio? What future will it have after the World Cup?
(Written by Fabrizio Carnevalini)


148 radio stations in the UK hit the digital airwaves thanks to local radio revolution
Ofcom, the UK’s broadcast regulator, published a report on the first year of operation of the new DAB multiplexes

Less than a year after digital multiplexes went live in the UK in the local area, already 148 stations have started broadcasting on DAB, increasing the range of programmes available to listeners. Compared to the other wavebands, broadcasting in the DAB band is cheaper because it allows several stations to broadcast on the same channel, thus sharing the costs of the transmitter (design, installation, transmission equipment, and antenna) and especially the running costs (station rental, power, and maintenance). A DAB+ channel can accommodate 12 to 24 programmes, depending on the bandwidth each radio requires (48 to 320 kHz, depending on the desired audio quality). Local commercial, community, and thematic broadcasters have arrived on the new frequencies, many of them making their debut on the airwaves.

Allocations still in progress

Ofcom awards five new small-scale DAB multiplex licences
The list of broadcasters that have already been granted authorization to broadcast on DAB on a local scale can be consulted on the Ofcom website

The multiplexes in the local area are licensed by Ofcom (the UK’s communications regulator), which has so far authorized 59, of which 20 are already up and running. Others will go on air by the end of 2022 and during 2023. A third licensing round is currently being launched for the areas of Milton Keynes (Rutland), Stamford (Swindon), Marlborough (Wetherby and Harrogate), and the Yorkshire coast. The evaluation of the applications received for the fourth round, which made available a further 24 local multiplexes, is also underway. In spring 2023, the call for applications will be opened for round five, which will include the city of London and the southeast of England.

From the LGBT community to traditional Scottish music

Gorgeous Radio, previously only active on the web, is a broadcaster targeting the LGBT community
Gorgeous Radio, previously only active on the web, is a broadcaster targeting the LGBT community

Stations previously only listenable on the web such as Salisbury Radio, Winchester Today, Rother Radio (Sheffield and Rotherham), Radio West Norfolk (King’s Lynn), and Central Radio (Blackpool) have debuted on the airwaves. Channels targeting specific groups, such as Gorgeous Radio (LGBT community), Spice Radio (local Asian community in the North East of England), and Celtic Music Radio in Glasgow and Edinburgh (contemporary and traditional Scottish music and culture). And then not-for-profit community stations operating on AM or FM, such as Radio Cardiff (98.7 MHz), Drive 105 (105.3 in Derry/Londonderry), Radio Tyneside (93.6), Cambridge 105 (105.0), Switch Radio (107.5 in Birmingham), Black Country Radio (92.2 and 102.5), Future Radio (107.8 in Norwich) and Akash Radio (1323 Medium Wave, the ‘1st Punjabi Radio Station in the North of England’ broadcasting from Leeds). As well as thematic radio stations offering dance, soul, afrobeat, album rock, easy listening, nostalgia, and alternative music.

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