Urban Radio: A Roma un’emittente su quattro dà voce alle tifoserie delle due squadre di calcio della città

ABSTRACT (in english)

From Italy begins a journey to the world’s urban radio landscapes. Rome’s radio station dial is full of local stations (36 of the 94 listenable frequencies), while most of the country is dominated by national networks. Among the capital’s radio stations, one out of four speaks about football, giving voice to the fans of the two teams (Roma and Lazio). This has not always been the case: until twenty years ago, talk radio stations were fashionable, but today they have disappeared, but it is possible to listen to some recordings with ads, commercials and programme clips on a site that tells the story.

Article (in italiano)

Inizia dall’Italia il percorso nei panorami radiofonici mondiali, ideato per entrare nello “spirito” delle emittenti che popolano l’etere delle capitali.

L’Anfiteatro Flavio, simbolo di Roma: duemila anni fa ospitava fino a 87.000 spettatori. Più di quelli dell’attuale stadio Olimpico (70.500) dove, nell'immaginario, i giocatori di calcio hanno sostituito gli antichi gladiatori
L’Anfiteatro Flavio, simbolo di Roma: duemila anni fa ospitava fino a 87.000 spettatori. Più di quelli dell’attuale stadio Olimpico (70.500) dove, nell’immaginario, i giocatori di calcio hanno sostituito gli antichi gladiatori

La Capitale è tra le poche città italiane a vantare un panorama radiofonico ricco di realtà locali, a differenza, per esempio, di Milano, dove molte emittenti di successo si sono trasformate in network di dimensione nazionale o multi-regionale, affievolendo il legame con il territorio. A Roma, invece, su 94 frequenze ricevibili con un ricevitore domestico o l’autoradio, ben 36 (il 39%) sono locali, come mostra il bandscan realizzato da Armando Finocchi.

Oggi va di moda il calcio

Radio Radio, su 104.5 MHz, dedica molto spazio al calcio ma si mantiene equidistante tra le due tifoserie, a differenza delle altre sette, che dichiarano la propria appartenenza
Radio Radio, su 104.5 MHz, dedica molto spazio al calcio ma si mantiene equidistante tra le due tifoserie, a differenza delle altre sette, che dichiarano la propria appartenenza

In città hanno sede otto radio nazionali diffuse in FM, delle quali cinque sono pubbliche (Rai Radio1, Rai Radio2, Rai Radio3, GR Parlamento e Isoradio) e tre commerciali (m2o, RDS e Radio Capital). Delle emittenti locali o regionali, una su quattro (8 su 32) si è specializzata nel calcio e alcune sono di proprietà delle società sportive. Molto seguite, basano il loro successo anche sul fatto che dedicano ampio spazio ai commenti e alla dietrologia alimentata dalla rivalità delle tifoserie rivali.

Roma Radio (100.7 MHz) è l’emittente ufficiale della squadra AS Roma Calcio. Le altre tre stazioni che ne parlano sono: Tele Radio Stereo (92.7 MHz), Centro Suono Sport (101.5 MHz) e Rete Sport (104.2 MHz)
Roma Radio (100.7 MHz) è l’emittente ufficiale della squadra AS Roma Calcio. Le altre tre stazioni che ne parlano sono: Tele Radio Stereo (92.7 MHz), Centro Suono Sport (101.5 MHz) e Rete Sport (104.2 MHz)
Lazio Style Radio (90.3 MHz) è l’emittente ufficiale della SS Lazio; la squadra viene poi seguita da Radio Sei (98.1 MHz) e Radio Incontro Olympia (105.8 MHz)
Lazio Style Radio (90.3 MHz) è l’emittente ufficiale della SS Lazio; la squadra viene poi seguita da Radio Sei (98.1 MHz) e Radio Incontro Olympia (105.8 MHz)

…mentre una volta si puntava sulle dediche

Per rivivere gli anni ruggenti dell’etere romano si può consultare il sito http://www.radioromane.eu/ creato da Claudio Patrizi, che raccoglie anche registrazioni di programmi, annunci, jingle e pubblicità di queste ed altre storiche emittenti della capitale
Per rivivere gli anni ruggenti dell’etere romano si può consultare il sito http://www.radioromane.eu/ creato da Claudio Patrizi, che raccoglie anche registrazioni di programmi, annunci, jingle e pubblicità di queste ed altre storiche emittenti della capitale

Ma anche questa potrebbe essere una moda del momento: fino a vent’anni fa andavano per la maggiore le radio di “dediche”. Un fenomeno tutto romano, da non confondere con la semplice richiesta di dischi da mettere in onda: ne esistevano una trentina, da tempo scomparse perché la loro formula era incompatibile con una corretta gestione imprenditoriale della radio. Erano in sostanza delle talk radio: si parlava molto, gli ascoltatori telefonavano per richiedere i dischi, ma erano improvvisate e di bassa professionalità, caratteristica che non attirava gli inserzionisti, condannandole a una rapida chiusura. Ultime a morire Radio Chat Noir (FM 90.9) e Radio Gioia Paradise Amica (FM 106.35), ma se ne potrebbero citare molte.
Tra queste segnaliamo:
88.05 Radio Melody
89.3 Effetto Radio 1
89.5 Radio Studio 5
90.3 Radio Mary
96.6 Radio Mary 3 – Fedeltà FM
97.9 Radio Mary 2 – Radio Civiltà
100.5 Radio La Bussola
101.5 Radio Antenna Romana
104.75 Radio Lido
106.85 Radio Vega International

Una lista “storica” delle radio ascoltabili a Roma pubblicata sul primo numero della rivista SceltaTV, settimanale di programmi radiotelevisivi edito tra il 1977 e il 1983. Questo elenco, uscito in edicola 43 anni fa, sul numero del 2 gennaio 1977, censiva 84 emittenti. Le emittenti FM erano state liberalizzate l’anno prima.
Una lista “storica” delle radio ascoltabili a Roma pubblicata sul primo numero della rivista SceltaTV, settimanale di programmi radiotelevisivi edito tra il 1977 e il 1983. Questo elenco, uscito in edicola 43 anni fa, sul numero del 2 gennaio 1977, censiva 84 emittenti. Le emittenti FM erano state liberalizzate l’anno prima.
L’anno dopo le radio erano quasi raddoppiate: il numero dell’1 gennaio 1978, ne conta 136. Come si può vedere ci sono diverse frequenze dove operano due emittenti. Si calcola che fossero almeno duecento le radio nella capitale. Alcune trasmettevano per pochi mesi o settimane, e si ricevevano solo in alcune zone della città.
L’anno dopo le radio erano quasi raddoppiate: il numero dell’1 gennaio 1978, ne conta 136. Come si può vedere ci sono diverse frequenze dove operano due emittenti. Si calcola che fossero almeno duecento le radio nella capitale. Alcune trasmettevano per pochi mesi o settimane, e si ricevevano solo in alcune zone della città. Source

Le emittenti ascoltabili oggi in città

87.60   RAI Radio1 Lazio        Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo vetta (RAI)           *Radio1_
87.90   Radio Onda Rossa      Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo vetta        RADIO___ ONDA____ ROSSA___ 87.9_FM_ UN______ SEGNALE_ CHE_____ DISTURBA
88.10   Radio Manà Manà       Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     _RADIO__ _MANA’__ _MANA’
88.30   Radiofreccia    Rocca di Papa/Madonna del Tufo     FRECCIA_
88.60   Radio Radicale Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo vetta        RADIO___ RADICALE
88.90   Radio Zeta       Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     ZETA____      
89.10   Radio Cusano Campus           Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     _RADIO__ _CUSANO_ _CAMPUS_ 
89.30   Lazio Style Radio        Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     _LAZIO__ _STYLE__ _RADIO__ OFFICIAL SS.LAZIO SMS_333_ 3149900_ DIRETTA_ ___06___ 97607408 EFFETTO_ *_89.3_*   
89.50   China FM        Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     CHINA_FM     
89.70   RAI Radio1 Lazio        Roma/Monte Mario (RAI)        *Radio1_        
89.90   Retesport        Rieti/Frazione Campoforogna (Monte Terminillo)       __RETE__ __SPORT_
90.00   NSL Radio TV Monte Porzio Catone           __NSL___      
90.30   Radio Deejay   Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     _DEEJAY_     
90.50   m2o     Rocca di Papa      _M_DUE_O    
90.70   Radio Sonica   Rocca di Papa _RADIO__ _SONICA_           
90.90   Radio Cusano Tv Italia Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     __RADIO_ _CUSANO_ ___TV___ _ITALIA_
91.20   RAI Radio2      Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo vetta (RAI)           *Radio2_        
91.50   RTL 102.5       Roma/Monte Mario           RTL102.5       
91.70   RAI Radio2      Roma/Monte Mario (RAI)        *Radio2_        
92.00   R101   Palombara Sabina/Monte Gennaro     __R101__      
92.20   RTL 102.5       Palombara Sabina/Monte Gennaro     RTL102.5       
92.40   RTL 102.5       Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     RTL102.5       
92.70   Tele Radio Stereo       Rocca di Papa    TRS-TELE __RADIO_ _STEREO_
92.90   Spazio Radio-Onda Jazz         Roma/Casilina  SPAZIO_R     
93.00   Radio Roma Capitale   Palombara Sabina/Monte Gennaro     RADIO___ ROMA____ CAPITALE    
93.20   Radio Zeta       Palombara Sabina/Monte Gennaro     __ZETA__      
93.20   Radio Quattro  Roma/Via del Mascherino RADIO_4_ QUATTRO_         
93.30   Radio Zeta       Cittá del Vaticano/Palazzina Leone XIII           __ZETA__      
93.50   Radio Mater-inBlu       Roma/Via Massimi       R.MATER_     
93.70   RAI Radio3      Roma/Monte Mario (RAI)        *Radio3_        
94.00   Radio Subasio Palombara Sabina/Monte Gennaro     SUBASIO_     
94.20   Virgin Radio     Albano Laziale/Via dei Cappuccini  _VIRGIN_
94.50   Radio Subasio Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     SUBASIO_     
94.80   Radio Maria     Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo vetta        R.MARIA_      
95.10   Radio Maria     Monte Compatri/Frazione Pratarena         R.MARIA_      
95.30   Radio Dimensione Musica       Frascati/Hotel Villa Tuscolana         _Radio__ _*_RDM_*  
95.50   Radio Capital   Monte Compatri/Frazione Pratarena         CAPITAL_      
95.80   Radio Capital   Castel San Pietro Romano/Campagnano        _CAPITAL
96.10   Radio 105        Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     __105___       
96.30   Radio inBlu      Cittá del Vaticano/Palazzina Leone XIII           …INBLU N_VERDE_ __800___ _371110_   
96.50   Radio 105        Roma/Monte Mario      __105___       
96.60   Radio L’Olgiata            Roma-Olgiata        OLGIATA_     
96.60   NSL Radio TV Roma/Via Luigi Maria Arconati __NSL___      
96.60   Radio 105        Roma/Via Magliano in Toscana     __105___       
96.80   RID 96.8          Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     RID_____       
97.00   m2o     Monte Compatri/Frazione Pratarena         _M_DUE_O    
97.20   Radio Kiss Kiss           Montecompatri/Frazione San Silvestro           KISSKISS        
97.50   Radio Italia SoloMusicaItaliana Frascati/Hotel Villa Tuscolana         R_ITALIA       
97.70   M100   Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     __M100__      
97.90   Radio Kiss Kiss           Frascati/Hotel Villa Tuscolana         KISSKISS       
98.10   Radiosei          Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     RADIOSEI      
98.40   RAI Radio3      Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo vetta (RAI)           *Radio3_        
98.70   Virgin Radio     Frascati/Hotel Villa Tuscolana         _VIRGIN_       
99.00   RTR 99           Rocca di Papa _RTR_99_     
99.20   Simply Radio   Albano Laziale/Via dei Cappuccini  *SIMPLY* *RADIO*_   
99.40   RAI GR Parlamento     Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo vetta (RAI)           RAI-GRPR      
99.60   Radio Globo    Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     _GLOBO__    
99.80   Radio IES        Rocca di Papa RadioYES        
100.00 R101   Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo vetta        __R101__      
100.30 Rai Radio3 Classica     Roma/Monte Mario (RAI)        RaiRadio Classica       
100.50 Radio Italia Anni 60     Monte Porzio Catone  R.ITALIA ANNI_60_   
100.70 Roma Radio     Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     __ROMA__ _RADIO__ 50191421    
101.00 Radio Deejay   Monte Compatri/Frazione Pratarena         _DEEJAY_     
101.30 Centro Suono  Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     _CENTRO_ _SUONO__        
101.50 Centro Suono Sport    Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo vetta        _CENTRO_ _SUONO__ _SPORT__
101.70 Radio Evangelo (Roma)          Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     _RADIO__ EVANGELO         
101.90 Dimensione Suono Roma       Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     DIM*ROMA    
102.10 Radiofreccia    Palombara Sabina/Monte Gennaro     _FRECCIA     
102.30 TRS The Radio Station           Palombara Sabina/Monte Gennaro     TRS102.3 SMS_339_ 8416395_ MUSICA_E PAROLE__ SENZA___ ORARIO_E BANDIERE
102.40 Radio Radicale Roma/Monte Mario      RADIO_*_ RADICALE
102.50 RTL 102.5       Roma/Via Luigi Maria Arconati RTL102.5       
102.70 RAM Power     Monte Compatri          RAMPOWER  
103.00 RDS     Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     *_RDS_*_       
103.30 Radio News  Frascati/Hotel Villa Tuscolana         __NEWS__    
103.50 RAI IsoRadio   Rocca di Papa (RAI)    ISORADIO RAI103.5  
103.70 Radio Subasio Calvi dell’Umbria/Monte San Pancrazio           SUBASIO_     
103.80 Radio Vaticana 105 Live          Cittá del Vaticano/Palazzina Leone XIII           RADIO___ VATICANA ITALIA__ WHATSAPP 335_____ 1243722_ 
104.00 Radio Crik Crok           Monte Compatri/Frazione Pratarena       
104.20 Retesport        Monte Compatri/Frazione Pratarena         __RETE__ __SPORT_          
104.50 Radio Radio     Palombara Sabina/Monte Gennaro     R-RADIO_      
104.80 Radio Voce della Speranza (Roma)    Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     RVS_____ Tel.06__ 3210200_ __www.__ rvsroma_ .it_____
105.00 Radio Vaticana 105 Live          Cittá del Vaticano/Palazzina Leone XIII           Radio___ Vaticana Italia__
105.30 Dimensione Suono Soft          Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     DIM*SOFT     
105.60 Radio Italia SoloMusicaItaliana Rocca di Papa R_ITALIA       
105.80 Radio Incontro Olympia           Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     INCONTRO    
106.10 RMC – Radio Monte Carlo       Frascati/Hotel Villa Tuscolana         __RMC___     
106.30 RMC – Radio Monte Carlo       Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     __RMC___     
106.60 Radio Rock      Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     __ROCK__     
106.90 Radio Mambo  Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     R-MAMBO_ EL_RITMO VIDA____   
107.10 Antenna Uno   Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     ANTENNA1    
107.40 Radio 105        Palombara Sabina/Monte Gennaro     __105___       
107.60 Radio L’Olgiata            Monte Compatri          OLGIATA_
107.70 Radio Radicale Rieti/Frazione Campoforogna (Monte Terminillo)       RADIO___ RADICALE           
107.90 Radio 24          Rocca di Papa/Monte Cavo     RADIO_24      

USA: Radio must reinvent itself and focus on information

Variety tells the story of the new project on which the inventor of the radio format who invented playlists in the 1970s is working
Variety talks about the new project the inventor of the playlists is working on

Lee Abrams, who in 1973 created the radio format AOR (Album Oriented Rock) tells Variety about his new project: a new format to renew the way of doing radio. In the seventies the idea of sticking to a playlist was a way to build a precise radio identity, but almost fifty years later the father of this format repudiates his creature: the programming is now flattened and the radio stations are too similar. The solution? Reinventing oneself, focusing on information, defined by Abrams as “the new rock ‘n’ roll”, and leaving more room for creativity. Here are the details.

AUSTRALIA: Jobs “jump” like kangaroos

Southern Cross Austereo owns 88 radio stations on the Australian continent
Southern Cross Austereo owns 88 radio stations on the Australian continent

The economic crisis generated by the pandemic is also making itself felt in Australia: Southern Cross Austereo restructures and cuts 38 jobs. The company’s revenues fell by 18.2%. Details in the article on the ABC website.

News Corp, the conglomerate owned by Rupert Murdock, has reacted to operating losses by restructuring its own premises
News Corp, the conglomerate owned by Rupert Murdock, has reacted to operating losses by restructuring its daily newspapers.

The move comes on top of others already announced: News Corp announced in May that 100 regional and local newspapers would close the print edition and continue as digital edition, and thirteen newspapers will merge with others.

Reduction of programmes, leave for big names and staff cutbacks: the recipe of Ten
Reduction of programmes, leave for big names and staff cutbacks: the recipe of Ten

The Ten television network will produce the news in its Sydney and Melbourne offices, with a number of prestigious news signatures. Weather forecasts will no longer be made on a regional basis but will be unified into a single national bulletin. As far as jobs are concerned, the extent of the cuts has not yet been announced because negotiations with staff are ongoing.

Guinea Bissau: Radio that wakes up the country is run by women only

Guinea Bissau: the radio that wakes up the country is run by women only
Guinea Bissau: Radio that wakes up the country is run by women only

For two years an all female broadcaster is shaking the tree in this West African country that – according to a UN report – is one of the fifteen less developed countries in the world. The radio station aims to raise awareness on gender equality, formally granted by the constitution, but very difficult to apply in a Muslim and patriarchal society that still uses genital mutilation on young women. Born in Bafata, thanks to the efforts of Periodistas Solidarios – a NGO from Seville (Spain), it operates with equipment donated by Radio Nacional de España and Canal Sur Radio (Regional government of Andalusia’s official radio station); now the project is supported by UN. It could be a coincidence, but within a year the main broadcaster of the city (RCB, Radio Comunitaria de Bafata, 105.5 MHz) hired three women: previously the transmissions were all hosted by men. Radio broadcasting isn’t easy in Guinea Bissau, not only for social and political reasons: electricity is only supplied for a couple of hours during the night, so it’s necessary relying on photovoltaic panels or generators.

INDIA: In Kashmir, military at the microphone

The studio of Radio Raabta is located inside a garrison
The studio of Radio Raabta is located inside a garrison

The Indian army has opened a community broadcasting station in Anantnag, capital of the district of the same name in the federal state of Jammu and Kashmir. It operates on 90.8 MHz and is aimed at the population, with the intention of sending peace messages to young people to prevent them from joining Islamic independence groups. The region is at the centre of tensions between India (which controls two thirds of it) and Pakistan, but China also occupies a small portion of the territory. After Radio Raabta a second station will be opened in the Shopian district. More details in the ABP Live article.

COLOMBIA: New announcement to open AM and FM radio stations

The Colombian Ministry of Information Technology and Communications (MinTIC) will authorize the opening of new commercial radio stations. Today, 664 stations operate in the 32 departments into which the country is divided, equally divided between AM (330) and FM (334)
The Colombian Ministry of Information Technology and Communications (MinTIC) will authorize the opening of new commercial radio stations. Today, 664 stations operate in the 32 departments into which the country is divided, equally divided between AM (330) and FM (334)

Eleven years after the last authorizations, new medium wave (AM) and FM radio stations will be opened in the South American country. The intention, for the Minister of Telecommunications Karen Cecilia Abudinen Abuchaibe, is to “strengthen this means of communication, recognizing it as a tool that consolidates the spread of regional culture, social responsibility and facilitates the development of the regions”. The project is divided into several phases: after the submission of the application, expected by September 17, 2020, the availability of the channels will be verified and the project can be submitted. Then the assignment and the feasibility statement will follow. Details will be added to FMLIST and MWLIST as soon as the information becomes available.

USA: Less constraints for US radios

Removing the constraints of duplication of programs "is preferable to a struggling station reducing programming or going off the air entirely" said Ajit Pai, chairman of the FCC
Removing the constraints of duplication of programs “is preferable to a struggling station reducing programming or going off the air entirely” said Ajit Pai, chairman of the FCC

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has lifted the ban on broadcasting the same programme (simulcast) on several FM and AM stations. The regulation was introduced in 1964 and has been updated several times (the last time in 1992) to take account of developments in a market where competition is increasingly fierce. It is estimated that in FM no broadcaster will be able to repeat the entire programming (until now the limit was 25%), but the greater flexibility should help to overcome the crisis, favouring format changes and facilitating the transition of medium wave channels to digital. Ultimately, it should be the service offered to listeners that gains. More details and official statements can be found here.

USA: A black radio for black people

Black Information Network can be heard on the iHeartRadio app but the news is picked up by 91 hip hop, R&B and Gospel radio stations in all the States: Power 105.1 in New York, Real 92.3 in Los Angeles, WDAS and Power 99 in Philadelphia, WGCI and WVAZ in Chicago, WJLB in Detroit, The Beat in Houston and Miami, WQUE in New Orleans and KMEL in San Francisco
Black Information Network can be heard on the iHeartRadio app but the news is picked up by 91 hip hop, R&B and Gospel radio stations in all the States: Power 105.1 in New York, Real 92.3 in Los Angeles, WDAS and Power 99 in Philadelphia, WGCI and WVAZ in Chicago, WJLB in Detroit, The Beat in Houston and Miami, WQUE in New Orleans and KMEL in San Francisco

In the wake of the racial protests following George Floyd’s death, the iHeartMedia group launched an all-news radio for the black community. BIN, which stands for Black Information Network, offers 24 hours of news seven days a week and according to the promoters is “an objective, accurate and trusted source of continual news coverage with a black voice and perspective”. The publisher has also carried out a study according to which 86% of black listeners believe that this service is necessary and that they will probably use it as an important source of news, while 83% think that it provides information that today cannot be received on the radio or TV. The broadcasts will have no advertising, but will be funded by a group of companies: Bank of America, CVS Health, GEICO, Lowe’s, McDonald’s USA, Sony, 23andMe and Verizon, “who share and support the mission of BIN”. This line-up suggests that the “black” have been identified as potential consumers.

JAPAN: NHK closes some radio and TV channels

The Japanese public broadcaster will reduce satellite TV channels and mediumwave radio channels in order to cut costs
The Japanese public broadcaster will reduce satellite TV channels and mediumwave radio channels in order to cut costs

The Japanese public broadcaster reduces the offer of radio and TV channels. Three satellite TV channels (BS1, BS Premium and BS4K) will be merged into one channel, and consideration is being given to closing down BS8K. With regard to radio, two medium wave channel should become one. The operation will reduce expenses by 120 billion yen (1.34 billion dollars). The broadcaster has not stated the timing of the closures, but the operation could be part of the three-year plan starting in 2021. NHK in 2019 increased revenues by 10% and is criticized by commercial stations because it collects not only the tax on television sets, but in addition generates revenues from advertising . Details in the Nikkei Asian Review article

Mexico: Distance learning for 30 million students on 16 TV channels

The Minister of Education, Esteban Moctezuma Barragan, announced at a press conference that schools will start distance learning thanks to programmes broadcast on the radio and TV
The Minister of Education, Esteban Moctezuma Barragan, announced at a press conference that schools will start distance learning thanks to programmes broadcast on the radio and TV

Schools started distance learning in Mexico, one of the countries that has been hardest hit by the pandemic (in fourth place for the number of contagions).  Since August 24th, 2020, 30 million pupils are able to follow programmes on air from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on 16 channels transmitted by four TV broadcasters: Televisa, TV Azteca, Grupo Imagen and Grupo Multimedios.  All those who do not have access to television will be able to follow the lessons on the radio and study from books.  Over 4,550 TV programmes (640 in indigenous languages) will be transmitted.  The programmes do not include entertainment , but follow the school syllabus and pupils will be tested on the contents.  Educational programmes do not have advertising.  Here is the article with details from the daily newspaper, El Universal.

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